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Strange Warning in DB2 EE Stage

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:07 am
by Nageshsunkoji
Hi All,

I am facing the following warning in DB2 EE stage

db2HEW_CHANL_USAGE_SUMMins: The environment variable DB2INSTANCE is currently set to `db2inst1'
and is being changed to `ihewd01' as specified in the server option;
if this instance is a different version of DB2, the program may not succeed.

I am using the $APT_DBINSTANCE_HOME environmental variable to set the Instance value. My Data is loading with out any problem, but i am facing the following warning.

Please, suggest me how to sort out from this warning? ( I suppressed this warning by using Meeage Handler, but i want to know the reason behind this ? )

Thanks & Regards

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:25 am
by kumar_s
What is the value of DB2INSTANCE in dsenv?

Re: Strange Warning in DB2 EE Stage

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:50 am
by kura
Usually you get this error when you use EE stage as input and ouput in same job.

If that is case split into two jobs.

[quote="Nageshsunkoji"]Hi All,

I am facing the following warning in DB2 EE stage

db2HEW_CHANL_USAGE_SUMMins: The environment variable DB2INSTANCE is currently set to `db2inst1'
and is being changed to `ihewd01' as specified in the server option;
if this instance is a different version of DB2, the program may not succeed.

I am using the $APT_DBINSTANCE_HOME environmental variable to set the Instance value. My Data is loading with out any problem, but i am facing the following warning.

Please, suggest me how to sort out from this warning? ( I suppressed this warning by using Meeage Handler, but i want to know the reason behind this ? )

Thanks & Regards

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 3:41 pm
by bcarlson
We are getting a similar warning now that we are connecting remotely to our databases.

If you have a local database or perhaps a remote database with a local dataless node, then your Unix id alone is sufficient to get you connected to the database. Your DataStage job only uses the default database and server names specified in the project (in the DB2 stages, you specify Use Default Database = true, and Use Default Server = true in the connection properties).

If you are connecting remotely to your database, you need to specify everything explicitly - the remote instance, database name, userid, password, and client instance (where you are calling from).

As I understand it, and as it was explained to me, the warning you are receiving is merely a warning you that your client instance and server instance are different and therefore may be of different DB2 versions. If they are different versions, behaviour may be unpredictable. If they are the same version, you can pretty much ignore the warning.

Hope this helps,
