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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:32 pm
This is not a new issue. The link refered in this thread was raised by me. I followed with IBM and it took a while to come back to say they was not able to reproduce the issue in their environment. Then after a while they said they managed to redprouce the same error and forwarded to engineering department.

Due to the project nature i forced to finsih the job using different approach.

This is a bug and it is happening in random. At first run DS will warn file x not found. In the next run it will warn file y not found.

So this is up to you guys to decide which approach you choose !

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:45 am
by nvalia

What the other approach you took..can you explain how you achived this

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:35 pm
Once we found this issue we was thinking for alternate option too!

That specific source system write the data into file as well as into a table. Source system created a view for us. So our approach went in to different direction.

Before came to some conclusion, i did a job for safer side by using Sequence looping. Get the list of file name in that directory, loop it in the sequence and load it in to a table. It worked well, but i haven't used it.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:20 am
by battaliou
I had the same issue "RC_DATA: Unable to generate a node map from fileset /ods_stage/TEMP/import_tmp_27228b937c2d4.fs." I simply deleted my sequential file stage and created a new one with the same settings, and now the job works. Thanks a lot James for the tip on $APT_IMPORT_PATTERN_USES_FILESET = true

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:56 am
by qt_ky
Version 11.3 processes a file pattern in parallel by default.