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Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:38 am
by PhilHibbs
That's nice, but I'd still like to be able to implement the pxStrFilter routine that is in the third post of this thread.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:39 am
by priyadarshikunal
why not use a char array which can be passed and returned as pointers and will not leave a dangling pointer. You just need to make sure you define the array long enough.

Did you try with new() of c++ instead of malloc() of C, I think it will free up the memory once its scope is out but not sure though.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:18 am
by PhilHibbs
The problem is, you can't pass in a char*. DataStage can pass in a char* but I, as a DataStage user, can only pass in a Stage Variable or a string literal. DataStage will somehow construct a char array and pass a pointer to that, but as far as I know it is unsafe for the function to write to that array, as DataStage may well have plans for it. For instance, IBM actually suggested that I should pass in a Stage Variable that would then be updated by the function instead of returning the value. The implication there is that if the function writes to the char* that is passed in, then that write goes directly into the Stage Variable storage. I'm uneasy about that, and I would actually be quite surprised if it worked reliably. IBM support have already demonstrated that they don't know what they are talking about in regard to char* routines.

As to new(), it's no different to malloc. Nothing will free the memory pointed to by a char* unless it is explicit, no matter how that memory was allocated. And even if it did, freeing the memory as soon as the function returns, and therefore before DataStage uses the pointer to access the return value, is extremely dangerous.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:25 am
by kduke
Added comments to compile on Sun.

Code: Select all

* pxEreplace - DataStage parallel routine 
* Published on by user DSguru2B 
* Bugs (malloc, realloc, count) fixed by Philip Hibbs, Capgemini 
* 1. Copy the source file pxEreplace.cpp into a directory on the server 
* 2. Run the following command: 
*         g++ -O -fPIC -Wno-deprecated -c pxEreplace.cpp 
*    Sun CC syntax
*    /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -m64 -O -PIC -c pxEreplace_4.C -o pxEreplace_4.o
* (check Administrator->Properties->Environment->Parallel->Compiler settings) 
* 3. Copy the output into the DataStage library directory: 
*         cp pxEreplace.o `cat /.dshome`/../PXEngine/lib/pxEreplace.o 
*         cp pxEreplace_4.o pxEreplace.o
* 4. Create the Server Routine with the following properties: 
* Routine Name             : pxEreplace 
* External subroutine name : pxEreplace 
* Type                     : External function 
* Object type              : Object 
* Return type              : char* 
* Library path             : /software/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/PXEngine/lib/pxEreplace.o 
* Arguments: 
*     str     I  char* 
*     subStr  I  char* 
*     rep     I  char* 
*     num     I  int 
*     beg     I  int 
* Save & Close 
* Any time that anything changes, you must recompile all jobs that use the routine. 

#include "string.h" 
#include "stdlib.h" 

char* pxEreplace(char *str, char *subStr, char *rep, int num, int beg) 
  char empty[1]=""; 

  if (!str) {str = empty;} 
  if (!subStr) {subStr = empty;} 
  if (!rep) {rep = empty;} 

  int buflen = strlen(str)+1; 
  char *result = (char *)malloc( buflen ); 

  if (!result) {return 0;} 
  if (buflen==1) {result[0]='\0'; return result;} 

  int oldlen = strlen(subStr); 
  int newlen = strlen(rep); 

  int i, x, count = 0; 

  if (oldlen==0) 
  { // special case - insert rep once at the start of the string and return 
    if (newlen>0) 
      buflen = buflen + newlen; 
      result = (char *)realloc( result, buflen ); 
    strcpy(result, rep); 
    strcpy(result+newlen, str); 
    return result; 

  //If begining is less than or equal to 1 then default it to 1 
  if (beg <= 1) 
  {beg = 1;} 

  //replace all instances if value of num less than or equal to 0 
  if (num <= 0) 
  {num = buflen;} 

  //Get the character position in i for substring instance to start from 
  for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0' ; i++) 
    if (strncmp(&str[i], subStr, oldlen) == 0) 
      if (count == beg) { break; } 
      i += oldlen - 1; 

  //Get everything before position i before replacement begins 

  x = 0; 
  while (i != x) 
  {  result[x++] = *str++; } 

  //Start replacement 
  while (*str) //for the complete input string 

    if (num != 0 ) // untill no more occurances need to be changed 
      if (strncmp(str, subStr, oldlen) == 0) 
        if (newlen > oldlen) 
          buflen = buflen + (newlen - oldlen); 
          result = (char *)realloc( result, buflen ); 
        strcpy(&result[x], rep); 
        x += newlen; 
        str += oldlen; 
      else // if no match is found 
        result[x++] = *str++; 
      result[x++] = *str++; 

  result[x] = '\0'; //Terminate the string 
  return result; //Return the replaced string 