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Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:15 am
by mctny
Hi Vincent,

Yes we are using the newest XML pack. but even the newest does not support XSLT version 2, IBM told us it supports version 1 only. They asked us to open an enhancement PMR so that they can start working on supporting version 2 soon.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:12 am
by eostic
Short of running an external script to apply your xslt, Maybe the "brute force" method is appropriate.......meaning....html is just "tags" (xml and html have the same ancestral heritage) can certainly use the xml stages (new or old) to build a tag structure that uses common html tags as the "elements" and "attributes". It could get ugly if you have lots of tables and sections in the html body that are independent of each other, but if the html is fairly simplistic, it can be done.


Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:42 pm
by mctny
Hi Ernie,

Not sure if I understood how to use the brute force approach. our html is not very big but the XSLTs are big, each has approximately 800 lines.