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Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:46 pm
by kwwilliams
DSUser2000 wrote:Edit: I didn't want to create a dispute here but it's good to here some experience and get the different positions.
RCP is a hot button issue with a wide variety of opinions. I approach it with the mindset of whether your staff is ready to handle something like this or not. There are debugging issues as mentioned earlier. However if your job design is strong and tested thoroughly there is no reason it wouldn't work for your organization. With 3000 jobs in prod, you guys should be at the point to start making the leap over. This is a natural evolution of your organization gaining experience in the tool and starting to ask questions.

Be inquisitive, ask questions and make sure its right for you guys before moving forward.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:48 pm
by kwwilliams
FranklinE wrote:Keith, I apologize. My referring to your "offhand" post, in my thoughts if not in my writing, was out of admiration for your point and not to criticize it.
Apology accepted, my apologies for being harsh. Electronic media is often not the easiest way to convey thoughts about topics. Sometimes our words can be received in a different manner then was intended by the poster, as I have done toward yourself.