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Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:03 am
by dennisroser
yeah, you are right i missed that part.

i was strogling with the same error message as the post had in his first attempt, and was happy to see that i was not alone, and didnt read more thorough enough on the rest to see that he actually made a different attempt.

i have tried my test sample in many different environments (also linux), with no problems. i don't get this strange fail error that he gets

My sample job is not requiring any tables, files or anything else, everything is done with rowgenerator and peekstages, so i will try to contact him to see if i can send my sample to him to test.



Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:24 pm
by Kryt0n
It will very likely not work, we have a machine where it works and one where it doesn't work... we have no idea why but the non-working environment is the old temp machine, the one where it does work is the new temp machine and soon we will find if it works in the actual environment... only taken 6 months so far

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:13 am
by algfr
When combining a range lookup with a regular lookup, you always have to trigger the multiple rows option whatsoever.