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Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:09 pm
by chulett
Sheesh. Why not simply split off a link to an Aggregator, write the count to a header file and cat the two together after job. No pesky script required.

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 11:56 pm
by sbass1
reshma11 wrote:I have a source oracle table,transformer and sequentail file. when i run this job i want to see number of records count + all records in sequentail file.

row count: 2

column1 column2
Show us 1) exactly what you have (your source), and 2) exactly your desired output (your reformatted source).

Wrap your post in code tags, which will preserve formatting (basically using monospaced font for the code block, example):

Code: Select all

column1  column2
1        XXXX
2        XXX
I've done this sort of thing recently, so could possible help if I knew what you need.

In my case, it was to test for partial/failed FTP's, where the file already contained a header with the number of expected records. So in my case, I chose to use a Unix script, and abort if actual records <> expected records.

it is working

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:10 am
by reshma11
var=`cat /***/***/test.txt | wc -l`
echo "row count : $var" > /***/**/test1.txt
cat /***/***/test1.txt >> /****/***/test.txt

Thank you.