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Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:06 am
by ds_search2008
sima, thanks for your reply. The source DB2 source was set as Cursor Stability. I have changed that to Uncommitted Read. Even then the data is not getting loaded.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:02 am
by kcbland
Is this a new installation? Is this the only table you're having loading issues? Can you load the data into a another table with the same structure? There are too many variables.

It sounds like you have some sort of issue writing to this table. Start with a simple design that extracts your source data to a file. If this works then your problem is loading the table. This eliminates all of the false trails the other posters have laid for you to spend time on.

Now simply try to get the data to load the target table. Try to get just one row and make sure the data types are all correct. Make sure you are capturing rejects from the database. Since youre doing an OCI load and not and enterprise this should be fairly straightforward. If you get that working, then moe to the Enterprise stage and work out the kinks there.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:16 pm
by ds_search2008
Thanks a lot for your valuable suggestion Ken. This is the issue for which I requested your permission and sent you a detailed mail after your go ahead. Hope you would have received the details. Thanks again for your valuable time and kind help.

Yes this is the only table having load issue. I have tried dropping and recreating the table, even then the same load issue persists. I'm able to load the data into sequential file/Data Set without issues. However, I'm unable to write the data from Sequential file to the table. Its strange. A straight simple load is not working. I tried to make all the target columns nullable for test reason and already I had tried the option of loading one row into target. The log shows

FactLoad,0: Progress: 90 percent.
FactLoad,0: Import complete; 731 records imported successfully, 0 rejected.

The only improvement that I see is the progress percent was increased from 40% to 90%
The job is in running stage and the records are not getting committed into the target. :cry:

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:45 am
by ds_search2008
:D Solution: Tried using DS_NO_PROCESS_METADATA environment variable and set the value to 1. This solves the problem. :D

Thank you all for your valueable time and replies. :D

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:32 am
by miwinter
For those of us not yet migrated from 7.5 over to 8, could you please advise why this made a difference? What does DS_NO_PROCESS_METADATA affect and what did this change contribute to solving your issue of loading the data?



Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:08 am
by jreddy
ds_search2008 wrote::D Solution: Tried using DS_NO_PROCESS_METADATA environment variable and set the value to 1. This solves the problem. :D

Thank you all for your valueable time and replies. :D
Where do you set this variable? in administrator? or in dsenv?