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Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:30 pm
by jguerrero
Hi There,

This is one big, the first time IS8 install good, but, after a boot from the machine, WAS never start again. The Log for this:

(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.utils.JniUtilsSupportAction, msg1, ****** path = jniUtilsSupportInstall/, getBeanId() = jniUtils
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.utils.JniUtilsSupportAction, msg1, ****** source = archive:/tmp/ismp002/1975710/data/ibm_websphere_informatio
n_server/, PlatformConstants.JNI_LIB_NAME =
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.utils.JniUtilsSupportAction, msg1, Attempting to load library from: archive:/tmp/ismp002/1975710/data/ibm_web
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.utils.JniUtilsSupportAction, msg1, Library loaded: name = /tmp/ismp002/
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, Keytool location: /tmp/istemp1271226164528/_bundledJRE_/jre/bin/keytool
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, Temp path (D) = /tmp
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, Temp path (E) =
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, Temp path (J) (temp.dir) = /tmp
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, Temp path (J) ( = /tmp
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, Temp path FileUtilsgetTempDir() = /tmp
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, Temp path System.getProperty(temp.dir) = /tmp
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, Temp path System.getProperty( = /tmp
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, DB2_TEMP_DIR = [Variable "DB2_TEMP_DIR" is not defined]
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, NLPACK_TEMP_DIR = [Variable "NLPACK_TEMP_DIR" is not defined]
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, MKS_TEMP_DIR = [Variable "MKS_TEMP_DIR" is not defined]
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, VAR_TEMP_DIRECTORY = [Variable "VAR_TEMP_DIRECTORY" is not defined]
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, WAS_TEMP_DIR = [Variable "WAS_TEMP_DIR" is not defined]
(Aug 13, 2008 4:45:40 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, VAR_WII_NW_TEMP_DIR = [Variable "VAR_WII_NW_TEMP_DIR" is not defined]


Now we uninstall WAS, uninstall IS8 and re-install WAS....but we can't re-install IS8, the log? take a look:

(Sep 24, 2008 4:00:22 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.utils.JniUtilsSupportAction, msg1, ****** path = jniUtilsSupportInstall/, getBeanId() = jniUtilsS
(Sep 24, 2008 4:00:22 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.utils.JniUtilsSupportAction, msg1, ****** source = archive:/tmp/ismp001/9641369/data/ibm_websphere_information
_server/, PlatformConstants.JNI_LIB_NAME =
(Sep 24, 2008 4:00:22 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.utils.JniUtilsSupportAction, msg1, Attempting to load library from: archive:/tmp/ismp001/9641369/data/ibm_webs
(Sep 24, 2008 4:00:22 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.utils.JniUtilsSupportAction, msg1, Library loaded: name = /tmp/ismp001/
(Sep 24, 2008 4:00:22 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, msg1, Keytool location: /tmp/istemp28289268160010/_bundledJRE_/jre/bin/keytool
(Sep 24, 2008 4:00:22 PM), Install, com.ascential.acs.installer.suite.SuiteWizardAction, err, java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.installshield.product.service.registry.PureJavaRegistryServiceImpl.getSoftwareObjects(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor45.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( Code))
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( Code))
at com.installshield.wizard.service.LocalImplementorProxy.invoke(Unknown Source)

Very weird, I absolutelly recomend not to install in Linux 64-bit, specially if you want to do this in SUSE.

Best Regards

(PS: keytool is in the directory, has permissons, and so on...)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:36 am
by Aruna Gutti
Did you checked with IBM as to how to install 64 bit and what are the steps for proper install ? I got a very good support from IBM and they guided me before the install to get proper downloads and fixpacks and during the install whenever I had any issues.

So far my experience on 64 bit SuSe Linux install and stability of Information Server is good compared to the issues I had when I installed it initially on 32bit SuSe platform.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:53 pm
by jguerrero
Hi Aruna,

All the requirements are validated and correct. In fact we can install IS8 a month ago, this is a weird problem


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:26 am
by shareeman
belated response....

The First problem you've mentioned of not being able to fire up the WAS after a reboot could be linked to your metadata respository not being active. If you are using Oracle as the XMETA repository for example, you need to ensure that it's mounted and the listener is running. Check this by connecting via sql*plus on the server
The account you use to reboot must also have permissions (root) to do everything related (ie. fire up the DS XMeta, WAS, Engine, Agents).

The Reason why you are unable to reinstall IIS could be because you have not unistalled the WAS from the default location
when you reinstall the suite, the default locations are used which results in this issue. Else you can try reinstalling to another folder as opposed to the default (/../IBM/WAS and ../IBM/InformationServer)