Issue Usage of parameter set with user defined parameters

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Issue Usage of parameter set with user defined parameters

Post by harikhk »

I have defined a few user defined variables and created a parameter set.
The parmaeters defined are for connecting to target database

I have created a job for loading the target DB2 and used the parameters from the parameter set created and I am able to load the data

But when there is a change of password or any other parameter, I make the change in User defined environment variable from the datastage adminstrator

After making the change when I run the load job, the job fails with username/password issue

Is it not by default the changes made at environmental variables pass to the parameter set?

Now I deleted the specific parameter for example the password variable which got changed and re-added it again and when I run the load job, the job still fails with the same user/password error.

On recompilation, the job ran successfully.

Now I am confused about this behaviour and would like to know if this is how datastage works when there is a change in user defined variable?
Also are the below steps necessary after the change

1.Delete and add the changed variable in parameter set
2.Recompile the jobs using the parameter set

My datastage version is 8.5

Please help me to understand
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Post by josh.guffey »

When you add your user defined environment variables to your parameter set double click in the default value column for the password that you selected from the "Add environment variables" picker. Replace the values (Encrypted String & Confirm Encrypted String) with the string "$PROJDEF" (minus the quotes). This will ensure that the password entry always references what has been defined in the administrator client of your project. Now if you have to change the database password, simply change that environment variable in the administrator client and all of your jobs that are using this parameter set for database access will still work and no job compilation will be necessary.
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Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:36 am

Post by harikhk »

Thanks Josh.
I would verify your recommendations
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