Facing problem with compilation

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Facing problem with compilation

Post by boppanakrishna »

Hi All,

When i am compiling the job, i am getting following error.

Please help me ..


Output from transformer compilation follows:

##I IIS-DSEE-TFCN-00001 11:14:17(000) <main_program>
IBM WebSphere DataStage Enterprise Edition
Copyright (c) 2001, 2005-2008 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved

##I IIS-DSEE-TUTL-00031 11:14:17(001) <main_program> The open files limit is 1024; raising to 8192.
##I IIS-DSEE-TUTL-00036 11:14:17(002) <main_program> The virtual memory limit is 7412285440 bytes. Raising to 18446744073709551615.
##I IIS-DSEE-TFCN-00006 11:14:17(003) <main_program> conductor uname: -s=Linux; -r=; -v=#1 SMP 2010-05-20 11:14:20 +0200; -n=cs-uat-etl02; -m=s390x
##I IIS-DSEE-TOSH-00002 11:14:17(004) <main_program> orchgeneral: loaded
##I IIS-DSEE-TOSH-00002 11:14:17(005) <main_program> orchsort: loaded
##I IIS-DSEE-TOSH-00002 11:14:17(006) <main_program> orchstats: loaded
##W IIS-DSEE-TOSH-00049 11:14:17(009) <main_program> Parameter specified but not used in flow: DSPXWorkingDir
##W IIS-DSEE-TFTM-00012 11:14:17(011) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The number of reject datasets "0" is less than the number of input datasets "1".
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(012) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 56, character 50].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(013) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 57, character 46].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(014) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 58, character 49].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(015) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 59, character 44].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(016) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 60, character 50].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(017) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 61, character 43].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(018) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 63, character 52].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(019) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 64, character 48].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(020) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 65, character 48].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(021) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 66, character 48].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(022) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 67, character 48].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(023) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 68, character 48].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(024) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 69, character 52].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(025) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 70, character 50].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(026) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 71, character 47].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(027) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 72, character 46].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(028) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 73, character 46].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(029) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 74, character 43].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFPS-00041 11:14:17(030) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The field must be an output field; [line 75, character 35].
##E IIS-DSEE-TFSR-00019 11:14:17(031) <main_program> Could not check all operators because of previous error(s)
##E IIS-DSEE-TCOS-00029 11:14:17(032) <main_program> Creation of a step finished with status = FAILED. (TfmPPSubjectChangeCapture.TrmPPSubjectHistory)

*** Internal Generated Transformer Code follows:
0001: //
0002: // Generated file to implement the V35S24_TfmPPSubjectChangeCapture_TrmPPSubjectHistory transform operator.
0003: //
0005: // define our input/output link names
0006: inputname 0 lnk_history_in;
0007: outputname 0 lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp;
0008: outputname 1 lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join;
0010: initialize {
0011: // define our control variables
0012: int8 RowRejected0;
0013: int8 NullSetVar0;
0015: // define and initialise each link row count variable required
0016: uint64 RowCount0_0;
0017: RowCount0_0 = 0;
0019: }
0021: mainloop {
0023: // declare our intermediate variables for this section
0024: int64 InterVar0_0;
0026: // initialise the rejected row variable
0027: RowRejected0 = 1;
0029: // evaluate constraint and columns for link: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp
0030: InterVar0_0 = RowRejected0;
0031: if (InterVar0_0)
0032: {
0033: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.SUBJECT_ID = lnk_history_in.CUST_ID;
0034: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.SUBJECT_NAME = lnk_history_in.BUS_NM;
0035: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.ADDR_LINE_1 = lnk_history_in.ADDR_LINE_1;
0036: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.ADDR_LINE_2 = lnk_history_in.ADDR_LINE_2;
0037: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.ADDR_LINE_3 = lnk_history_in.ADDR_LINE_3;
0038: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.ADDR_LINE_4 = lnk_history_in.ADDR_LINE_4;
0039: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.ADDR_LINE_5 = lnk_history_in.ADDR_LINE_5;
0040: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.POSTCODE = lnk_history_in.CUST_POSTCODE;
0041: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.SUBJECT_DISCARD_CD = lnk_history_in.SUBJ_DSCRD_CD;
0042: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.COUNTRY_CODE = lnk_history_in.CUST_COUNTRY_CD;
0043: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.TELEPHONE = lnk_history_in.CUST_PH_NB;
0044: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.LIMITED_IND = lnk_history_in.LTD_CO_IN;
0045: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.CO_REG_NUMBER = lnk_history_in.CO_REG_NB;
0046: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp.SIC_CODE = lnk_history_in.SIC_CD;
0047: writerecord 0;
0048: RowRejected0 = 0;
0049: RowCount0_0 = RowCount0_0 + 1;
0050: }
0051: // evaluate columns (no constraints) for link: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join
0052: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_VERSION = lnk_history_in.VERSION;
0053: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_SUBJ_ID_NB = lnk_history_in.SUBJ_ID_NB;
0054: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_SUBJ_ID_SEQ_NB = lnk_history_in.SUBJ_ID_SEQ_NB;
0055: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_ACTION_IN = lnk_history_in.ACTION_IN;
0056: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_FIRST_SEEN_DT = lnk_history_in.FIRST_SEEN_DT;
0057: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_MEMBER_ID = lnk_history_in.MEMBER_ID;
0058: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_SUBJ_TAPE_DT = lnk_history_in.SUBJ_TAPE_DT;
0059: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_CUST_ID = lnk_history_in.CUST_ID;
0060: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_SUBJ_DSCRD_CD = lnk_history_in.SUBJ_DSCRD_CD;
0061: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_BUS_NM = lnk_history_in.BUS_NM;
0062: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_EXTR_BUS_NM = lnk_history_in.EXTR_BUS_NM;
0063: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_EXTR_CONTACT_NM = lnk_history_in.EXTR_CONTACT_NM;
0064: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_ADDR_LINE_1 = lnk_history_in.ADDR_LINE_1;
0065: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_ADDR_LINE_2 = lnk_history_in.ADDR_LINE_2;
0066: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_ADDR_LINE_3 = lnk_history_in.ADDR_LINE_3;
0067: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_ADDR_LINE_4 = lnk_history_in.ADDR_LINE_4;
0068: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_ADDR_LINE_5 = lnk_history_in.ADDR_LINE_5;
0069: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_CUST_COUNTRY_CD = lnk_history_in.CUST_COUNTRY_CD;
0070: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_CUST_POSTCODE = lnk_history_in.CUST_POSTCODE;
0071: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_CUST_PH_NB = lnk_history_in.CUST_PH_NB;
0072: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_LTD_CO_IN = lnk_history_in.LTD_CO_IN;
0073: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_CO_REG_NB = lnk_history_in.CO_REG_NB;
0074: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_SIC_CD = lnk_history_in.SIC_CD;
0075: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.DIN = lnk_history_in.DIN;
0076: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_CNTCT_SUBJ_ID_NB = lnk_history_in.CNTCT_SUBJ_ID_NB;
0077: lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_CNTCT_SUBJ_ID_SEQ = lnk_history_in.CNTCT_SUBJ_ID_SEQ;
0078: writerecord 1;
0079: RowRejected0 = 0;
0080: }
0082: finish {
0083: // Log warnings for any reject links
0084: string LogMsg0;
0085: string LogLink0;
0086: if (RowCount0_0 > 0) {
0087: LogMsg0 = RowCount0_0;
0088: LogLink0 = " rows written to reject link: ";
0089: LogMsg0 = LogMsg0 + LogLink0;
0090: LogLink0 = "lnk_ppsubject_history_to_chcp";
0091: LogMsg0 = LogMsg0 + LogLink0;
0092: print_message(LogMsg0);
0093: }
0095: }
*** End of Internal Generated Transformer Code
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Post by ray.wurlod »

How are your four Compiler environment variables set?
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Post by Gokul »

Are you using CFF stage or source/target schema with level numbers.

If yes, then check the level numbers of the fields. They must be same.
As indicated in the error, there seems a difference in the level number of columns
lnk_ppsubject_history_to_join.HIST_FIRST_SEEN_DT .
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Post by chulett »

So... do you have a problem compiling any job with a Transformer, or just this particular one?

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