Cannot find ORCHDB2OP file

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Cannot find ORCHDB2OP file

Post by kris007 »

I am using Datastage Enterprise Edition, I am getting the following error
cannot find orchdb2op file.
Where can I find it and any information about what kind of file it is would be helpful.
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Post by bcarlson »

What is your environment and software versions?

We have run into this twice in just the last few weeks. It was even the EXACT same error message. We are running on AIX 5.3 64-bit, DB2 (UDB) v8.2.x 64-bit and DataStage PX 7.5.2.

In both circumstances it boiled down to DataStage not finding the correct DB2 libraries. We had to update our LIBPATH (the one used by DataStage) to ensure that it pointed to the 32-bit DB2 libraries. If your database is 32-bit, then youust need to make sure that the LIBPATH is pointing to the ~$DB2INSTANCE/sqllib/lib directory structure and that permissions are correct for the libraries listed within the directory. If you are on 64-bit DB2 UDB, like we are, then there are 2 sets of libraries: lib32 and lib64. Make sure DataStage is accessing the 32-bit libraries (if you hadn't guessed, DataStage is not a 64-bit app yet).

I have not yet been able to find a good explanation of what 'orchdb2op' is, but I'll take a slightly-educated guess at it - I think it is a DataStage library for accessing DB2 operations (read, write, load, etc.). The 'orch' part of the name comes from DataStage PX's predecessor, Torrent Orchestrate. Torrent is the underlying technology for handling parallelism in DataStage PX. What DataStage calls 'stages', Torrent called operators. Therefore my guess about 'orchdb2op' is that it is the parallel library for stages/operators that access DB2.

In terms of getting your system up and running, my first guess would be making sure your LIBPATH is set correctly. I think Ascential uses a file called dsenv in your $DSHOME directory for setting general DataStage environment values (like LIBPATH).

Anyway, I hope this helps.

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Post by kris007 »

Hi Carlson,
Thanks for the help I think thats the problem. We are using DB2 UDB -64 bit. And apparaently LIBPATH was set up to 64- bnit libraries.
Thanks a lot
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Post by bcarlson »

Great! Could you post your final solution when you are done? I figure we are not the only ones that have (or will) run into this situation.

We have been on 64-bit for a while now and ran into this issue when we first converted. We just ran into it again because we just upgraded hardware (disk and servers) and messed up some of the directory paths in the process.

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Post by fridge »

just a quick one, as am off on a stag do in amsterdam tom and need some sleep.

But this error can be caused on datastage install, by not specifying the version of db2 (7/8) - this I believe is on datastage v7.5 only

basically px ships with two versions of the orchdb2op.something (I believe in $DSHOME/../pxengine/lib)

and if you specify db2 version on install it creates a symbolic link
orchdb2op.something ---> orchdb2op<versionnumber>.something

if you leave the db2 version blank on install it cant create the link hence it looks for the orchdb2op.something and as not link cant find it

prior to DS version 7.5 db2 version 7 was presumed so no problems

Just create the link to the right version and all should work

ln -s orchdb2op.something ---> orchdb2op<versionnumber>.something

ps (something = the file extension which i cant remember- and cant get to a ds env at the moment)

apols for rushed note but hope this helps anyway
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Post by kris007 »

fridge wrote: Just create the link to the right version and all should work
ln -s orchdb2op.something ---> orchdb2op<versionnumber>.something
ps (something = the file extension which i cant remember- and cant get to a ds env at the moment)
Thanks a lot fridge. Can you elaborate more on how to create link.
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Post by fridge »

apols - just got back from said stag do - so late reply

1) first go to your datastage install directory (the location can be found from examining the file /.dshome - note the . infront of dshome) - something along the lines of /DataStageApp/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine

2) change directorys to cd ../PXEngine/lib (this is where all the px gubbins is installed)

3) if you do a 'ls -l orchdb2*.* , you should find two files , it like the following

-rwxr-xr-x 1 dsadmdef staff 1491660 Mar 22 2005 orchdb2op7.o
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dsadmdef staff 1492451 Mar 22 2005 orchdb2op8.o

to create the link to the correct file use the ln command as follows

ln -s orchdb2op7.o orchdb2op.o (if version 7 of db2)

this basically creates a 'dummy' file called orchdb2op.o that 'points' to a real file that contains the lovelyness that can talk to db2 version 7 - obviously if u are on v8 of db2 use
ln -s orchdb2op8.o orchdb2op.o

Hope this helps
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