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Export failed

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:11 am
by perspicax
We upgraded one of the etl server from 11.5 to 11.7. Since then we are not able to connect to fasttrack client. We get the following error:

Server Registration failed.

But we are able to connect to other clients such as director, designer etc

So I tried to export fasttrack asset using ISTOOL and I get following error:

Beginning Export of CommonMetadata
Elapsed time: 00:00:00
Exported 0 assets
Export failed
Beginning Export of FastTrack
Export failed: Connection reset; nested exception is: Connection reset
Export failures are written to c:\myfolder\fasttrack_export_response.json file.

Seem like it is because we are not able to connect. Because the same command export just fine in other etl server (11.5)

Not sure if the issue is related to 11.7 or some other issue. Please let me know if you have encountered similar issues and how to resolve it.

Here is the command used for export:

export -dom <domname>:<port#> -username <username> -password <pwd> -archive "c:\myfolder\fasttrack.isx" -maxArchiveSize 500 -ft '*.ftp -incDep -incCM' -cm '-includeAnnotation'

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:11 pm
by perspicax

I had another etl server with 11.7. Fast track client opened initially. I imported the fasttrack export of 11.5 ( which was also imported in the other 11.7 server before upgrade). After the import, I cannot open 11.7 client now.

Something is happening to 11.7 client once the FT assets are brought in.

Not sure what's going on!