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Parameter Sets - Programmatically Updating Value Files

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:34 am
by MrBlack
This is more of an DevOps/Admin question.

We use parameter sets to store the DB credentials for stages. We'll make a Value File for our dev/test/prod. We use a password vault application called CyberArk. CyberArk has the ability on a schedule to automatically log into our databases and change passwords. Very handy for the dept. to keep in compliance with the annual password change policy.

I would like to extend the automated password change functionality into the parameter set value files. Does anyone know of a way to do this programmatically?

What I know so far
On the engine I found where these value files are stored:

Code: Select all

../Projects/<project name>/ParameterSets/<Parameter Set Name>
And I can see that they're human readable.

Before I started hacking away at command line code to parse these files to change the password, I wanted to see if there was already an IBM solution for this?

I have found IBM documentation on how to encrypt a new value if I do have to do this on my own: ... nning.html

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:17 am
typically passwords and such are put into env variables which can be encrypted and hidden and pulled into a param set from there.

You can set env variables with a routine, I think. I have not had to do this, but I am 99% sure you can do it somehow.

I think you can also set them with a unix script via istool or something (not sure exactly, I am not our admin and only have a tangential understanding of what is possible). You could easily automate that. If not unix, you can still do this with batch file or unix emulation suite etc.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:31 pm
by JRodriguez
No out of the box IBM solution yet...hack away...the file as you noted is a simple file, and any changes made to the value file will be populated to the Parameter Set automatically