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Finding jobs that uses particular Transformer funtion

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:30 pm
by dsdoubt

How do I find the list of jobs that's uses particular Transformer function. EG: AsInteger()
I don't see Transformer function being part of the object type in the standard or the advanced find.
Should we hit the UV and search for it?
If so, may I know the exact table and the column to look into to?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:37 am
by rkashyap
I have used following query to research a similar issue. Transformer function can be parsed from text in last column i.e."expression_xmeta"

Code: Select all

SELECT a.dsnamespace_xmeta AS Project_Nm,
      a.category_xmeta     As Folder_Nm,
      a.name_xmeta         AS Job_Nm,
      b.name_xmeta         AS Stage_Nm,
      d.name_xmeta         AS Link_Nm,
      e.sourcecolumn_xmeta AS Target_Col,
      e.expression_xmeta   AS Transformation
FROM  datastagex_dsjobdefc2e76d84 a,
      datastagex_dsstagec2e76d84 b ,
      datastagex_dsoutputpinc2e76d84 c,
      datastagex_dslinkc2e76d84 d,
      datastagexdsderivationc2e76d84 e
WHERE a.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta = b.container_rid
  AND c.container_rid               = b.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta
  AND c.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta = d.from_outputpin_xmeta
  AND d.xmeta_lockingroot_xmeta     = e.xmeta_lockingroot_xmeta;

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:39 pm
by ray.wurlod
You could use the "old" repository, which you have called UV, in which case the tables you would need to query are DS_JOBS and DS_JOBOBJECTS.

Metadata for these tables is deliberately incomplete; you may derive some benefit from searching DSXchange for examples.