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Operational Metadata in DataStage

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:14 am
by smleonard

I am looking for some help on some problems we are having with Operational Metadata. After turning the option on from Administrator (or simply running a one-off job for testing), the warning message I am getting is:

"Unable to Write <jobname,number,etc...>.xml to OMD.XML.DIR"

There are many read/write issues with OMD.XML.DIR in the logs.

I have done searches on OMD.XML.DIR, and most people are saying to turn off operational metadata to take care of the issue. In this case though, I want to turn it on for future use in Information Governance Catalog.

The closest thing I could find was here: ... wg21433511

I verified that we do have write permissions to the directory:

I'm not finding anything else that's wrong. I'm open to any ideas you might have.


Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:30 am
by PaulVL
What are the GROUP permissions on that path?

YOU have write authority, but does the user id running the job have authority?
(Credential mapping maybe?)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:53 am
by smleonard
I have ensured that the id running the jobs, does have writable permissions to that directory. We made sure it was group writable. I manually created files there no problem with the execution id.

A good point though, I forgot I had run another test: I ran a job using the administrator id with metadata turned on, and for that one, the job ran successfully without warnings in the log. However, it did not create any XML files in the mentioned directory. So I don't know if there's somehow another directory involved?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:01 am
by PaulVL
Your admins didn't do something tricky and make a symbolic link for that path did they?

Do you have enough space on that mount?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:26 am
by smleonard
I verified that there are no symbolic links on any part of the path listed above.

The space seems fine too... at least 35 gigs free.

And again, when I ran as administrator, I didn't get the warnings in the log (yet no files created in the above directory). Really puzzled.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:52 am
by eostic
Be sure also to check the config file for OMD. Can't remember the exact name of it and don't have a server running at the moment. Will try to post it later but it is fairly obvious -- its in the "conf" subdir that is near to XmlFiles. That config file has various settings in it that could impact delivery of the omd xml results.


Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:02 pm
by smleonard
To anyone else that runs into this issue, we finally found the problem after some trial and error. The directory had been changed to:


I believe this might have occurred after an installation of Information Governance Catalog (IGC). In any event, after opening up the permissions on this directory, operational metadata files are appropriately created and subsequently ingested by IGC.
