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$PROJDEF in an encrypted variable replaced by a wrong value

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:55 am
by Palermo
Hi Everyone,

So, I have a problem when I reschedule my jobs which contain encrypted variables and have $PROJDEF as default, $PROJDEF is replaced by a wrong value. For example, $TEST=test in Administrator and this variable was added to a job and value was set $PROJDEF instead of *****. When I scheduled the job, it finished successfully but when I rescheduled the job, it failed. I found out that 'test' was replaced by '㔷◘'. Why this happens? When I unschedule the job and schedule again, it finishes successfully.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:31 am
by qt_ky
This may be worth looking into...

We ran into an incredibly frustrating intermittent problem on version after rescheduling jobs they would sometimes abort and our database accounts would sometimes get locked. Restarting the job manually would always work fine.

The only suggestions I found by searching the forums was to try rescheduling it again. We checked with Support and found a solution to download and apply a Director patch on the clients, which resolved the problems!

JR53246 Fixed problem with rescheduling and encrypted job parameters

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:40 pm
by Palermo
Thank you very much. I think it will help me solve the problem. As I understand correctly, I should update my Director client. Now I have version. Server version is 11.3. Which of versions should be used in my case or install fix pack? In the description of JR53246 mentioned 11.5.1.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:53 pm
by qt_ky
You're welcome. I do not see that patch as a download on IBM Fix Central web site. In our case, we had to open a PMR with IBM Support and they provided the patch to us through the PMR (it's not an upgrade or a fix pack, but rather just a small patch). It should be based on your Director client version. They will probably ask for your Version.xml file from your client and possibly from your server as well.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:52 am
by Palermo
I installed the patch and the issue was fixed. Thank you.