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istool in Redhat linux 6.8

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:28 pm
by vinothkumar
Recently we did DataStage and OS upgrade. DataStage upgraded from 8.7 to 11.5 and OS upgraded from Unix to Redhat Linux. Earlier we used istool to import and export jobs. After upgrade, not able to see "istool" in ../InformationServer/Clients/istools/cli". Instead there is one file called "". Are they both same ?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:28 am
by asorrell

Code: Select all

/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Clients/istools/cli $ ./ -help
istool Command [ Command_Options ] [ Options ]

Possible values for: Command
    query            : Query command set
    deletecm         : Delete command set
    -                : Provide usage information.
    help             : Provide command-line help information.
                     : Istool Console.
    export           : Export to a file.
    import           : Import from a file.
    ODBAdmin countdb : countdb option is for counting the records from ODB.
    ODBAdmin purgedb : purgedb option is for deleting the records from ODB.
    delete           : Delete DataStage assets.
    build package    : Build a Deployment Package.
    deploy package   : Deploy a Deployment Package.
    send package     : Send package to a file
    workbench import flows : Imports flows for existing Information Assets from a file
    workbench delete flows : Deletes flows for existing Information Assets from a file
    workbench extension mapping delete : Deletes Metadata Workbench Extension Mappings
    workbench extension mapping export : Exports Metadata Workbench Extension Mappings
    workbench extension mapping import : Imports Metadata Workbench Extension Mappings
    workbench extension source delete : Deletes Metadata Workbench Extension Data Sources
    workbench extension source export : Exports Metadata Workbench Data Sources
    workbench extension source import : Imports Metadata Workbench Extension Sources
    import custom attribute values : Imports custom attribute values for existing Information Assets from a file
    workbench generate : Runs the Metadata Workbench generate utility
    workbench purgeOMD : Deletes operational metadata from transformation projects, jobs, and stages from InfoSphere DataStage
    workbench importOMD : Imports operational metadata. click -h for help
    workbench query  : Metadata Workbench command for running queries
    glossary export  : Export business glossary content
    glossary import  : Import business glossary content
    glossary bi2bg   : Building a glossary from BI
    glossary ldm2bg  : Building a glossary from LDM
    event registerEventProvider : Register event provider
    event registerEventType : Register event type
    event updateEventType : Update event type
    event registerCallback : Register callback
    event unregisterCallback : Unregister callback
    event listCallbacks : List callbacks
    event listEventTypes : List event types
    event listEventProviders : List event providers
    event subscribeToEventType : Subscribe to an event type
    event unsubscribe : Unsubscribe to an event type given the subscription name
    event listMyNotifications : List my notifications
    event deleteMyNotifications : Delete my notifications
    event listEvents : List events
    event deleteEvents : Delete events
    event listMySubscriptions : List my subscriptions
    event createEvent : Create an event
    event taskSchedule : Update a task schedule

To list Command_Options, enter:  istool Command -help

Possible values for: Options
    Long Name:         Short Name:     Description:
    -help            ,  -h         : print command usage
    -verbose         ,  -v         : display progress
    -silent          ,  -s         : silence command output
    -script          ,  -script    : file to read commands from.

Exit codes:

      0 - Success
      1 - Warning
      2 - Partial failure
      3 - Error reading from console
      4 - Invalid command history index
      5 - Error reading from script file
     11 - Invalid command syntax
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Clients/istools/cli $