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Cognos TM1 Access via DataStage on AIX

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:10 pm
by Gaurav.Dave
Hello Experts,

We are on DataStage on AIX 7.1 platform. I am looking for the way integrating remote Cognos database environment from DataStage.

I have not done this integration before. I am looking for guidance on what steps to perform integrating Cognos environment via Datastage.

Though DataStage comes with Congos TM1 connector, seems we still need to perform extra steps. One article is saying about installing Cognos TM1 client piece on DataStage server and configure it. But I m not sure if I have to copy over those files remotely from Cognos server or download client API patch from IBM on local DataStage server.

Anyone has successfully accessing Cognos via DataStage?

Thanks for your help and guidance in advance.


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:02 am
by nmacolin
Hi all,

We are on linux, DS v11.3.

We went through the process of setting up the files which needed to be copied over to the DS directories.
We also hit limitations with the Security protocol, so had to create a replica of the required data and then use TM1 level 1 Authentication to be able to connect.

We are still struggling with this connector with performance and lack of documentation.
Let me know if you have had any better luck.
