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Job execution through shell script

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:44 am
by skathaitrooney
Hello Experts,

There is one sort of issue that i currently encounter not so frequently though.

When we run our sequences through shell scripts, sometimes the sequences run but the script returns a return code of 1

Code: Select all

. Earlier i was under the impression that this was due to the high load that was existing during the peak hours in our environment. But recently this scenario happened when the load was relatively low .
1min avg was 9 on a 8core system

Any idea if i am on right path to track this ?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:49 am
by chulett
Plenty of previous conversations on this topic. Not "high load" per se, more about a lack of resources at the moment the job was attempting to start. The command was issued but the confirmation that it was able to start successfully did not come back within the timeout period, so it throws the error.

The answer could be as simple as not running as many at the same time or staggering their start times. I believe they added an option at some point to override the default timeout value of 60 seconds as well.