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re-run the activities in sequence

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:05 am
by srinath0253

I have a sequence like below. Three jobs are designed based on nested conditions. followed by sequencer, user variable activity and email notification activity. If all the three conditions are meet, three jobs will run. But im receiving only one email. Is there anyway to get three emails?.

Alternate solution: i can use three variable activity and email notification activites. without sequencer activity. I need an generic solution which works with one uservariable and email activity. Suggestions/ideas are welcome.

Nested COndition A --> Job A --> Sequencer(Any) --> Uservariable -> Mail
Nested COndition B --> Job B -->
Nested COndition C --> Job C -->

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:13 am
by chulett
One Email Activity stage = one email. What's different about the three emails you need to send?

Also curious what your question has to do with the subject you chose for your post. They seem... unrelated. :?

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:26 am
by srinath0253
sorry for the confusion.
In my sequence i have three nested conditions to trigger individual jobs. Assume, to trigger jobA, condition is ExecAll=Y or Executone=A. For job B,condition is ExecAll=Y or Executone=B. For JobC condition is ExecAll=Y or Executone=C. If i pass the parameter ExecAll=Y All the three jobs will run. Example, JobA finished in 1min. JobB in 2mins, JobC in 3mins.Sequencer is set Any. so Im receiving email after First job finished. second and third jobs are running. I need email for these as well.

I hope this time you understand my problem.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:35 am
by chulett
Oh, I understood your problem just not what "re-run" has to do with anything. :wink:

Again, one Email stage = one email sent and there's no way around that. And a Sequencer set to Any fires when the first link arrives, not over and over as all of them arrive. So... if you really need (up to) three individual emails, one for each job as it finishes, you'll need three Email Notification Activity stages.

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:26 am
by srinath0253
i came up with work around. for all the jobs, i added two trigger conditions, like ExecAll<>Y and jobstatus=1 to one sequencer activitiy. ExecAll =Y and jobstatus=1 to another sequencer activity. First sequencer is set to Any. Second is set to All. Again one more sequencer to both. then email acitivity. Now am able to receive email either one job run or all the jobs are completed. Im satisfied with this solution.

However, individual emails are not possible. I need to try on looping for individual emails. Making this post as resolved. Thanks chulet.

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:30 am
by ray.wurlod
srinath0253 wrote:However, individual emails are not possible.
Why not?

Resist stupid requirements!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:09 pm
by naveenkumar.ssn
Hi Srinath,

your requirement is little confusing.

if you dont mind can you elaborate it more clearly.So that we will try to give you our solution to your problem.


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:08 am
by srinath0253

Im using sequence activity inside sequence job. This activity is set to ANY mode. Three jobs are used as to trigger this activity stage.

after sequence activity, email notification activity is used.

if three job activities are triggered. If any one of the job completed. im receving an email. since sequence activity is set to any.

Problem: I need three emails. because three job activities are triggered.

Is it make sense??