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Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:49 am
by rkashyap
Is this issue impacting multiple users in your shop? If yes, support would be your best bet. Though 8.1 is OOS from Apr, 2015 .. they may still help with this issue.

Which authentication mechanism are you using? Are scheduled jobs running ok? Was the engine restarted recently?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:09 pm
by priyadarshikunal
did you see the log generated in SystemOut.log?

A server restart may solve this problem but to fix the problem you should try to find the root cause which you may be able to find in SystemOut.log

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:41 pm
by ray.wurlod
Check that the XMETA password has not expired. Check too that connections to be made via LDAP to the user registry if that's what you're using (this test can be made in console for WebSphere Application Server).

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:38 am
by Pierre

Thank you for your responses.
If finally found that in SystemErr.log :

[8/11/15 21:47:48:511 CEST] 00000020 SystemErr R Checking systables ... OK
[8/11/15 21:47:48:536 CEST] 00000020 SystemErr R Checking /products/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/apps/Reporting/engine/JREPORT/history ... OK
[8/12/15 4:38:55:516 CEST] 00000020 SystemErr R Checking systables ... OK
[8/12/15 4:38:55:545 CEST] 00000020 SystemErr R Checking /products/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/apps/Reporting/engine/JREPORT/history ... OK
[8/12/15 11:23:51:732 CEST] 00000021 SystemErr R Checking systables ... OK
[8/12/15 11:23:51:756 CEST] 00000021 SystemErr R Checking /products/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/apps/Reporting/engine/JREPORT/history ... OK
[8/12/15 11:33:37:890 CEST] 00000021 SystemErr R Checking systables ... OK
[8/12/15 11:33:37:915 CEST] 00000021 SystemErr R Checking /products/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/apps/Reporting/engine/JREPORT/history ... OK
[8/12/15 13:15:14:923 CEST] 0000001f SystemErr R Checking systables ... OK
[8/12/15 13:15:15:003 CEST] 0000001f SystemErr R Checking /products/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/apps/Reporting/engine/JREPORT/history ... OK
[8/12/15 15:31:48:247 CEST] 00000021 SystemErr R Checking systables ... OK
[8/12/15 15:31:48:276 CEST] 00000021 SystemErr R Checking /products/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/apps/Reporting/engine/JREPORT/history ... OK
[8/12/15 17:08:07:933 CEST] 0000002b SystemErr R 2015-08-12 17:08:07,931 Error [ISF-SECURITY-REPO] [0013] Error trying to query user "wasadmin": [Error when executing query:
* SQLException during execution of sql-statement:
* sql statement was 'SELECT A2.password_xmeta FROM ASCLModel_Userb1c497ce A0 INNER JOIN ASCLModelUserCredentlsb1c497ce A1 ON A0.has_UserCredentials_xmeta = A1.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta INNER JOIN ASCLModel_Credentialb1c497ce A2 ON A1.asb_Credential_xmeta = A2.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta INNER JOIN ASCLModel_Directoryb1c497ce A3 ON A0.of_Directory_xmeta = A3.xmeta_repos_object_id_xmeta WHERE A0.principalId_xmeta = ? AND A3.name_xmeta = ?'
* Exception message is [[IBM][Oracle JDBC Driver]No more data available to read.]
* Vendor error code [0]
* SQL state code [08006]
* Target class is 'ASCLModel.xmetagen.User'
* PK of the target object is [_xmeta_repos_object_id]
* 2 values performed in statement:
* [jdbcType=VARCHAR, value=wasadmin][jdbcType=VARCHAR, value=Security Directory]]. There might be an issue with the database server.

The Linux server has been restarted since yesterday, and it works now (but I still don't know what really happend).

Thanks to all.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:27 am
by Pierre

I also found that (in SystemOut.log, after WebSphere [re]start) :

[8/12/15 4:38:57:362 CEST] 0000000e TCPPort E TCPC0003E: TCP Channel TCP_2 initialization failed. The socket bind failed for host * and port 9080. The port may already be in use.
[8/12/15 4:38:57:363 CEST] 0000000e ChannelFramew E CHFW0029E: Error initializing chain SOAPAcceptorChain1 because of exception Address already in use
[8/12/15 4:38:57:365 CEST] 00000026 TCPPort E TCPC0003E: TCP Channel TCP_2 initialization failed. The socket bind failed for host * and port 9080. The port may already be in use.
[8/12/15 4:38:57:365 CEST] 00000026 ChannelFramew E CHFW0029E: Error initializing chain WCInboundDefault because of exception Address already in use

Could it be the cause of my problem ?