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Linux password VS DataStage Client password

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:50 pm
by app4dxh
Currently our application ID/password to log into DataStage Client/Director are the SAME as for the Linux server.

For this example: ID: xyzops password: PASS123
Our jobs run thru a mainframe scheduler with ID xyzops using a common shell script to build the dsjob command. We are using a credentials file to pass to dsjobs and the password 'PASS123' is encrypted. (Changed as per Auditing).

A developer can log into the Client with this ID and password but the project is read-only (on purpose, Production)
But, they can log into the Linux OS, switch user with this ID and Password and now be able to edit files (not always needed or wanted)

Can I change the Linux password to something else to prevent developers from editing without impacting DataStage? Meaning can the passwords be different?
Thank You for your time :-)

Re: Linux password VS DataStage Client password

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:18 pm
by rkashyap
app4dxh wrote:Currently our application ID/password to log into DataStage Client/Director are the SAME as for the Linux server.
Is DataStage configured to use OS authentication? You can check this by:
  • Logging on WAS Console.
    Go to Security -> Global Security.
    Scroll Down to "User account repository".
    Look at the value in dropdown below "Current realm definition". Is it "Local Operating system"?
If yes, then password for Linux and DataStage will have to be same.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:49 am
by priyadarshikunal
In addition to above post, you can have different password for linux and datastage if internal registry is being used. In that case when you change the password, make sure that the same is changed in credential mapping section.