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Listing jobs called in a Sequence Job (automatically)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:57 am
by joycerecacho
Hi everyone!

I would like to know how could I automatically list the names of the jobs that are called in a Sequence job.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:46 pm
by chulett
The dssearch command comes to mind. An exact search here for it should turn up conversations to that effect.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:15 pm
by ray.wurlod
There is a log entry called "Summary of Sequence Run" near the end of the sequence's log.

Otherwise you need to create a recursive routine. I have one somewhere - I'll see if I can dig it out.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:29 am
by joycerecacho
In DS designer, If we click on 'properties' (right button on the job name), it opens a windows with a sheet called 'Dependencies'.
There you can also find the job names that the Sequence calls, but since there are many of them, the idea is something not that manual, otherwise I would have to copy and paste one by one.


Best regards,

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:38 am
by chulett
<cough> dssearch </cough>

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:19 am
by ray.wurlod
OK, I've dug out the routine I was thinking of. Note that it's a recursive routine, so I hope you don't have hierarchies of sequences hundreds of sequences deep!

The code is provided "as is".

Code: Select all

      FUNCTION TraceSequence(aSequenceName,aLevel)
$COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2008, Ray Wurlod.  All rights reserved."
      DEFFUN TraceSequence(Arg1, Arg2) Calling "DSU.TraceSequence"     ; * for recursive calls
      DEFFUN GetLinkRowCounts(Arg1) Calling "DSU.GetLinkRowCounts"

      Begin Case

         Case UnAssigned(aSequenceName)
            Ans = @NULL

         Case IsNull(aSequenceName)
            Ans = @NULL

         Case Trim(aSequenceName) <= " "
            Ans = @NULL

         Case @TRUE

            hJob = DSAttachJob(aSequenceName, DSJ.ERRNONE)
            JobName = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBNAME)

            If JobName = DSJE.BADHANDLE

               Ans = DSJE.BADHANDLE
               Call DSLogWarn("Unable to attach to job sequence " : Quote(aSequenceName), "TraceSequence")


               * Construct full job name, including invocation ID of multi-instance job if any.

               FullJobName = JobName
               InvocationID = DSGetJobInfo(hJob,DSJ.JOBINVOCATIONID)
               If Len(InvocationID)
                  FullJobName = FullJobName : "." : InvocationID

               * Determine job type (server, mainframe, sequence, parallel).

               JobTypeInd = Trans("DS_JOBS", JobName, 6, "X") + 0
               If aLevel = 0 Then Ans = ""

               * Process job type appropriately.  Row counts only for jobs, recursion for sequences.
               * If job finish date/time not reported by DSGetJobInfo() look in the job log.
               * Link row counts obtained by routine GetLinkRowCounts.

               Begin Case

                  Case JobTypeInd = 0    ; * server job

                     JobStart = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP)
                     JobFinish = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBLASTTIMESTAMP)
                     If Not(JobFinish)
                        JobFinish = "(unreported)"
                        FinishEventID = DSGetNewestLogId(hJob, DSJ.LOGSTARTED)
                        FinishEvent = DSGetLogEntry(hJob, FinishEventID)
                        If FinishEvent Then JobFinish = Field(FinishEvent, "\\", 1, 1)
                     Ans = (If aLevel > 0 Then "   " Else "") : "Server Job " : Quote(FullJobName) : " started " : JobStart
                     Gosub DecodeJobStatus
                     If JobExitStatus <> DSJS.RUNNING
                        Ans := ", at " : JobFinish : "."
                        LinkRowCounts = GetLinkRowCounts(FullJobName)
                        Ans := "   Records processed = "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 1, 1) : " input, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 2, 1) : " output, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 3, 1) : " reject, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 4, 1) : " insert, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 5, 1) : " update, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 6, 1) : " upsert, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 7, 1) : " delete"

                  Case JobTypeInd = 1    ; * mainframe job (should never be executed on UNIX)

                     JobStart = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP)
                     JobFinish = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBLASTTIMESTAMP)
                     If Not(JobFinish)
                        JobFinish = "(unreported)"
                        FinishEventID = DSGetNewestLogId(hJob, DSJ.LOGSTARTED)
                        FinishEvent = DSGetLogEntry(hJob, FinishEventID)
                        If FinishEvent Then JobFinish = Field(FinishEvent, "\\", 1, 1)
                     Ans = (If aLevel > 0 Then "   " Else "") : "Mainframe Job " : Quote(FullJobName) : " started " : JobStart
                     Gosub DecodeJobStatus
                     If JobExitStatus <> DSJS.RUNNING
                        Ans := ", at " : JobFinish : "."
                        LinkRowCounts = GetLinkRowCounts(FullJobName)
                        Ans := "   Records processed = "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 1, 1) : " input, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 2, 1) : " output, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 3, 1) : " reject, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 4, 1) : " insert, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 5, 1) : " update, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 6, 1) : " upsert, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 7, 1) : " delete"

                  Case JobTypeInd = 2    ; * sequence job

                     JobStart = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP)
                     JobFinish = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBLASTTIMESTAMP)
                     If Not(JobFinish)
                        JobFinish = "(unreported)"
                        FinishEventID = DSGetNewestLogId(hJob, DSJ.LOGSTARTED)
                        FinishEvent = DSGetLogEntry(hJob, FinishEventID)
                        If FinishEvent Then JobFinish = Field(FinishEvent, "\\", 1, 1)

                     EventIDs = DSGetLogEventIds(hJob, 0, "S")         ; * list of log event IDs for current run
                     StartEventID = Field(EventIDs, "\\", 1, 1)
                     FinishEventID = Field(EventIDs, "\\", 2, 1)

                     Ans = "Sequence " : Quote(FullJobName) : " started " : JobStart
                     Gosub DecodeJobStatus
                     If JobExitStatus <> DSJS.RUNNING
                        Ans := " at " : JobFinish : "."

                     For EventID = StartEventID To FinishEventID
                        Entry = DSGetLogEntry(hJob, EventID)
                        If Index(Entry, "Job run requested", 1)
                           SubJob = Field(Field(Entry, ")", 1, 1), "(", 2, 1)
                           SubJobInfo = TraceSequence(SubJob, aLevel + 1)        ; * recursive call
                           Ans<-1> = Str("   ",aLevel) : SubJobInfo

                  Case JobTypeInd = 3    ; * parallel job

                     JobStart = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP)
                     JobFinish = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBLASTTIMESTAMP)
                     If Not(JobFinish)
                        JobFinish = "(unreported)"
                        FinishEventID = DSGetNewestLogId(hJob, DSJ.LOGSTARTED)
                        FinishEvent = DSGetLogEntry(hJob, FinishEventID)
                        If FinishEvent Then JobFinish = Field(FinishEvent, "\\", 1, 1)
                     Ans = (If aLevel > 0 Then "   " Else "") : "Parallel Job " : Quote(FullJobName) : " started " : JobStart
                     Gosub DecodeJobStatus
                     If JobExitStatus <> DSJS.RUNNING
                        Ans := ", at " : JobFinish : "."
                        LinkRowCounts = GetLinkRowCounts(FullJobName)
                        Ans := "   Records processed = "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 1, 1) : " input, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 2, 1) : " output, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 3, 1) : " reject, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 4, 1) : " insert, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 5, 1) : " update, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 6, 1) : " upsert, "
                        Ans := Field(LinkRowCounts, "~", 7, 1) : " delete"

               End Case


      End Case


      JobExitStatus = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBSTATUS)
      Begin Case
         Case JobExitStatus = DSJS.RUNNING
            Ans := "  Running"
         Case JobExitStatus = DSJS.RUNOK
            Ans := "  Finished OK"
         Case JobExitStatus = DSJS.RUNWARN
            Ans := "  Finished with warning(s)"
         Case JobExitStatus = DSJS.RUNFAILED
            Ans := "  Aborted"
         Case JobExitStatus = DSJS.VALOK
            Ans := "  Validated OK"
         Case JobExitStatus = DSJS.VALWARN
            Ans := "  Validated with warning(s)"
         Case JobExitStatus = DSJS.VALFAILED
            Ans := "  Validation failed"
         Case JobExitStatus = DSJS.RESET
            Ans := "  Has been reset"
         Case 1
            Ans := "  Status not determined."
      End Case


You'll also need GetLinkRowCounts() function.

Code: Select all

FUNCTION GetLinkRowCounts(aJobName)
$COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2008, Ray Wurlod.  All rights reserved."
* Returns tilde-delimited list of link row counts based on link name suffix: "_IN", "_OUT", "_REJ", "_INS", "_UPD", "_UPS", "_DEL"
* Note that the routine assumes that there is only one of each.


*     Initialise variables.

      RoutineName = "GetLinkRowCounts"
      Ans = "0~0~0~0~0~0~0"
      Temp = Convert("~", @FM, Ans)

*     Attach job whose name was given as routine argument.

      hJob = DSAttachJob(aJobName, DSJ.ERRNONE)

      ActualJobName = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.JOBNAME)
      If ActualJobName = DSJE.BADHANDLE

         Call DSLogWarn("Could not attach job " : Quote(aJobName) : ".", RoutineName)


         LinksSeen = ""                  ; * list of link names already processed

*        Obtain a list of stage names in the job and convert to dynamic array for REMOVE processing.

         StageList = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ.STAGELIST)       ; * comma-delimited list of stage names
call DSLogInfo('StageList:  ': StageList ,'Debug')
         Convert "," To @FM In StageList           ; * convert to dynamic array

            Remove StageName From StageList Setting MoreStages         ; * process stages one at a time.
Call DSLogInfo("Processing stage " : Quote(StageName), "Testing")

*           Obtain a list of link names attached to the current stage and convert to dynamic array.

            LinkList = DSGetStageInfo(hJob, StageName, DSJ.LINKLIST)   ; * comma-delimited list of link names
call DSLogInfo('StageName:  ': StageName ,'Debug')
call DSLogInfo('LinkList:  ': LinkList ,'Debug')
            Convert "," To @FM In LinkList         ; * convert to dynamic array

               Remove LinkName From LinkList Setting MoreLinks

*              Check to see whether link already processed.  If not add link to name list and process the link.

               Locate LinkName In LinksSeen By "AL" Setting Seen

                  Ins LinkName Before LinksSeen<Seen>

                  LinkNameSuffix = "_" : Field(LinkName, "_", Count(LinkName, "_") + 1, 1)
                  Begin Case

                     Case LinkNameSuffix = "_IN"   ; * Input
                        Temp<1> += DSGetLinkInfo(hJob, StageName, LinkName, DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT)

                     Case LinkNameSuffix = "_OUT"  ; * Output
                        Temp<2> += DSGetLinkInfo(hJob, StageName, LinkName, DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT)

                     Case LinkNameSuffix = "_REJ"  ; * Reject output
                        Temp<3> += DSGetLinkInfo(hJob, StageName, LinkName, DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT)

                     Case LinkNameSuffix = "_INS"  ; * Insert
                        Temp<4> += DSGetLinkInfo(hJob, StageName, LinkName, DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT)

                     Case LinkNameSuffix = "_UPD"  ; * Update
                        Temp<5> += DSGetLinkInfo(hJob, StageName, LinkName, DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT)

                     Case LinkNameSuffix = "_UPS"  ; * Upsert
                        Temp<6> += DSGetLinkInfo(hJob, StageName, LinkName, DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT)

                     Case LinkNameSuffix = "_DEL"  ; * Delete
                        Temp<7> += DSGetLinkInfo(hJob, StageName, LinkName, DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT)

                  End Case               ; * it is possible to exit this Case construct without having processed a count

               End                       ; * end of Locate statement

            While MoreLinks
            Repeat                       ; * end of Links loop

         While MoreStages
         Repeat                          ; * end of Stages loop

         Ignore = DSDetachJob(hJob)

         Ans = Convert(@FM, "~", Temp)


Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:52 pm
by kduke
Very nice looking code.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:13 pm
by ray.wurlod
The result of the routine (the Ans variable) contains the list of dependent jobs. Do with this what you will. Perhaps modify the routine to write to a file as Ans is appended to.

Note, however, that this routine returns design time information - that is, jobs that MAY be called from the sequence depending on the sequence's logic.

To get the jobs that are ACTUALLY called, refer to the "summary of sequence run" in the sequence's job log. If you want to do this in a routine, use the DSGetLog... calls.