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Is it possible to separate DS runtime from the server

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:40 pm
by hsahay

I am just wondering if it is possible to install Datastage runtime separately from the rest of the server.

This is my scenario.

Currently i have Datastage installed on an AIX machine. I have my unix scripts (ksh) in a folder on this same machine.

When the unix script is invoked it does whatever it does and then calls dsjob to execute a datastage job on the server.

I am thinking of moving away from AIX and switch to a LINUX machine for running my datastage server - for cost reasons.

But i don't want to start modifying my ksh scripts to run on Linux (though most of them should require no modification for ksh running on linux - right ? )

So i was thinking of installing the DS server on linux but just the runtime on an AIX machine on which the unix script will execute.

Does this make sense ?

If that is not possible, can i just mount the directory that contains dsjob executable from the linux machine to my AIX machine and invoke dsjob that way from my AIX machine ?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:18 am
by priyadarshikunal
You can have Engine tier on separate machine which can use the same application or metadata tier. If that what you want to achieve.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:40 am
by Cranie
This is possible, you could have:

AIX / scripts and from this server call the Linux DS engine.

However, things to consider would be, what are your scripts doing? Do they manipulate data / source files Ds relies upon? If so then ou would have to cross-mount disks, scp them etc.

I would really consider taking the hit and migrating fully to Linux. There are some discrepencies (depending on what you are doing) - i.e. ps output, sorts, etc vary slightly in terms of options and output formats. So full regression testing would be needed.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:18 pm
by kduke
You can put dsjob on the remote box and it should run by itself. You could also remote execute dsjob.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:47 pm
by Mike

I'm not sure that is a viable option any longer.

With version 9.1 I tried putting the dsjob executable on an Informatica server so that "they" could use it to run some remote QualityStage jobs.

dsjob had so many hooks into the services tier that I finally gave up and had them ssh into the QualityStage server to run dsjob locally.
