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ViewData_16443.14287808.tmp file consuming huge space

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:56 am
by zulfi123786

We were facing space issue on project directory when we stumbled on the file ViewData_16443.14287808.tmp under RT_SCnnn folder which was occupying 5+ GB.

Looking at the numerals in file name, I dont think this is created by an individual so assuming its internal to datastage (didn't ever see a file so named either)

Any idea if this is intenal file and if so what would be the issue if its deleted ?


Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:18 am
by chulett
A file that starts with 'ViewData' I would assume is generated by the View Data process and for whatever reason failed to clean it up. Perhaps the client session aborted or was force closed? Nuke it.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:20 am
by PaulVL
Look at the timestamp of the file.
Look at the file owner and follow up with them to see what they clicked at that timeframe.

Someone clicked the "View Data" button on one of the stages of a job. Seems the returned data was rather large or his session got disconnected.

Safe to delete.

Ensure nobody is actively viewing the data right now.