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dscc does not accept /af parameter ?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:32 am
by wbeitler
I always thought dscc accepted the /af to use an authfile ?
It keeps complaining to me (windowz 8.7 client):

Incorrect or unknown argument: 'af'

Code: Select all

C:\IBM\InformationServer\8.7\Clients\Classic>dscc /h
Incorrect or unknown argument. Usage is:
/?              Show program usage
/bo     (value) BuildOp to compile, * = All BuildOps, \folder\* = folder
/d      (value) ASB Domain Name
/f              Use the Force Compile
/h      (value) Name of Host to attach to
/j      (value) Job to compile, * = All Jobs, \folder\* = folder
/jt     (value) Job Type To Compile
        -1 (Default) = All Types
        0 = Server
        1 = Mainframe
        2 = Sequence
        3 = Parallel
/mfcgb  (value) Mainframe Code Gen base directory location
/mful   (value) Mainframe Job Upload Profile
/ouc            Only Compile Uncompiled Objects
/p      (value) Password
project         Project To Attach to
/qs     (value) QS objects to provision * = All QS objects, \folder\* = folder
/qspa           Provision all dependant QS objects
/r      (value) Routine to compile, * = All Routines, \folder\* = folder
/rcf            Use this flag to get -1 returned if anything fails to compile
/rd     (value) Report Directory and Name
/rt     (value) Type of report to produce : X = xml, T = txt - default
/u      (value) User Name
must be overlooking something pretty obvious....

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:21 am
by qt_ky
The option you mentioned is there in version but not in; not sure when it was first introduced into the dscc command... There are plenty of other commands in 8.7 that support the authfile option. Here is the 11.3.1 usage.

Code: Select all

/?              Show program usage
/af     (value) Pathname of file containing logon details
/bo     (value) BuildOp to compile, * = All BuildOps, \folder\* = folder
/d      (value) Host name of the services tier. Mutually exclusive with /url argument
/f              Use the Force Compile
/h      (value) Name of Host to attach to
/j      (value) Job to compile, * = All Jobs, \folder\* = folder
/jt     (value) Job Type To Compile
        -1 (Default) = All Types
        0 = Server
        1 = Mainframe
        2 = Sequence
        3 = Parallel
/mfcgb  (value) Mainframe Code Gen base directory location
/mful   (value) Mainframe Job Upload Profile
/ouc            Only Compile Uncompiled Objects
/p      (value) Password
project         Project To Attach to
/qs     (value) QS objects to provision * = All QS objects, \folder\* = folder
/qspa           Provision all dependant QS objects
/r      (value) Routine to compile, * = All Routines, \folder\* = folder
/rcf            Use this flag to get -1 returned if anything fails to compile
/rd     (value) Report Directory and Name
/rt     (value) Type of report to produce : X = xml, T = txt - default
/u      (value) User Name
/url    (value) URL of the services tier. Mutually exclusive with /d argument