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Need to run a sequence job infinetely

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:38 pm
by satheesh_color
Hi All,

My requirement is the jobsequencer run for ever and it would check for a file on every 5 minutes. If file is available, we would need to process and continue to run and checks for the next file and so on...

If the file is not would skip the load process and waits for 5 mins and check the file again.

The above is my requirement. We dont have a option to use 3rd party scheduler and we wern't using crontab.

Kindly suggest you feedback on the same.


Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:27 pm
by PaulVL
You do not want to craft an infinite loop sequencer because the LOG file will eventually kill you, or your DataStage Admin will.

Kicking off the job externally is always preffered since if the enviromnent is down, you may be alerted.

You will have to determine how you want to handle an aborted job secnario.

As an admin, I detest developpers who think they should run a 24/7 job. And your master looping sequencer falls into that category. You are chewing up a lot of CPU just to test for the presence of a file and kick off a job. Why not do that at your Unix level?

Loop in a shell script and test for a file pattern, if it is there kick off your job. If not, sleep 5min.

Make it a multi instance job and pass it the yymmddhhmm instance name so that you can trace back aborts.