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DataStage Job's auditing

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:10 am
by Amin
I want to store job information like Job Name, Job time before job started and after job ending(Succfuly or failure).
Kindly give in detail procedure to achive this task.(Ideal senario)

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:14 am
by qt_ky
Go into DataStage Administrator, open your project settings, and enable the option to collect Operational Metadata.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:19 pm
by ray.wurlod
If you are using DataStage Operations Console (and its associated database) this information is already being collected and stored.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:57 am
by Amin
Thanks for reply
qt_ky wrote:Go into DataStage Administrator, open your project settings, and enable the option to collect Operational Metadata.
We need to do auditing without enable Operational Metadata.
ray.wurlod wrote:If you are using DataStage Operations Console (and its associated database) this information is already being collected and stored.

Yes, We are using Operational console but it is not associated with databases.

We have a table for job's auditing with our created additional information other than Job Name and time for our ease.
We need to implement this using Datastage job (Parallel or Sequence) and that Job is place before and after the orgional job in sequence Like:-
Job_StartTimeAudit------->Orgional Job---------->Job_EndTimeAudit

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:59 am
by PaulVL
I vote Console as well. The operational metadata XML parsing would (mostly) be usefull if you put it back into Metadata Workbench and often times it takes more than 24Hrs to load a days worth of production XML files that get generated. So you never catch up.

Ops Console is Gold.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:01 am
by PaulVL
Ops Console is a database based information repository. Query it and populate your other database if you must. There are many example SQL statments out there for you to use.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:14 am
by vibwipro
You can write a server routine using following list of functions :-

DSAttachJob, DSGetJobInfo, DSGetJobInfo, DSGetJobInfo, DSGetJobInfo

It will help you in getting all required Datastage jobs auditing values and then you can write all parameters in some place holder using "Call DSExecute" command.


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:34 pm
by chulett
Amin wrote:We need to implement this using Datastage job (Parallel or Sequence) and that Job is place before and after the orgional job in sequence
Really? You've just tripled the number of jobs you run daily. Actually quadrupled. :?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:31 pm
by qt_ky
The main point is that the Ops Console database already has the data you need. Why reinvent the wheel?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:30 pm
by ray.wurlod
The Ops Console database is, typically, referred to as DSODB. It's fully accessible and fully documented (in the manual and in the IBM Knowledge Center). You ought to be able to get whatever you need directly from that database.