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Sequence Execuation of Jobs

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:46 pm
by Amin
I design a sequense job like

JOB1 ==> JOB2 ==> JOB3 .... ==> JOBn

What conditions applied that the next job trigger without the dependence of the previous job status.Whatever the previous job stats Its Finish with OK or WARNINGs OR job ABORTED with whatever the reason, But sequencer triger next job and complete its execuation.

I Uncheck the Automatically handle Activities that fail option and trigger next job with Unconditional expression type.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:40 am
by chulett
A little lost with no question mark in your post. What you've designed should allow the sequence to run each job one after the other without regard to the status of each job. If that is not happening, tell us what IS happening.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 4:19 pm
by ray.wurlod
You have it correct. Unconditional triggers throughout, and no automatic handling of failures. The sequence will finish, possibly with a status of "Finished". You can force it to generate warnings in the compilation options, if that's what you want to see.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:34 am
by Amin
chulett wrote:A little lost with no question mark in your post. What you've designed should allow the sequence to run each job one after the other without regard to the status of each job. If that is not happening, tell us what IS happening.
Sorry for Question Mark missing in post next time we care..... :idea:
ray.wurlod wrote:You have it correct. Unconditional triggers throughout, and no automatic handling of failures. The sequence will finish, possibly with a status of "Finished". You can force it to generate warnings in the compilation options, if that's what you want to see.
Thanks for reply its working fine Sequence Finished if any job in sequence fail. 8)

Setting Sequence Job as It;
1: Just Uncheck the Automatically handle Activities that fail option In Job Properties GenerL tab.
2: Trigger next job with Unconditional expression type In Stage Properties TriggerTab.
3: Change Execuation action to Reset if required, then Run In Stage properties Job Tab