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HTTP listener process to receive the responses

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:46 am
by times29
Requestors of the Sync Contact service can initiate the service via MQ Series or HTTP(S) via the FxHub ESB based on the requestor's preference. In either case, the service will act asynchronously. The FxHub ESB will pass the request to the Routing Adapter Service and to the CRM Siebel environment and receive the Acknowledge response using MQ Series. The FxHub ESB will then route the response back to the requestor using MQ Series or HTTP(S) again based on the requestor's preference. We can even support splitting the request and response between protocols (request in HTTP, response in MQ). Since the service runs asynchronously, a requestor must develop a process to pull responses from the MQ queue or develop an HTTP listener process to receive the responses. Responses should be correlated to a request to ensure proper end to end execution.

Quick question on above article

Does datastage support HTTP listener process to receive the responses.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:07 am
by qt_ky
I think you would need to use Information Services Director for that.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:06 am
by eostic
...ISD is definitely a possibility, using its generic "Text over HTTP" binding, but ISD is more geared towards request/response patterns, and this one sounds more like a pure simplistic "ETL" pattern.... "wait for some data, and then write that into a target database". ISD feels like more complexity than is needed.

A simpler and easier way to do this would be to write a Java Class that does the kind of listening that you want/need, and then the appropriate parsing of what arrives, and sends it downstream for further processing.

Use the Java Pack or if in 9.1 or higher, the Java Integration Stage. There are lots of examples on how to integrate the classes into your Jobs, and the average Java programmer can probably put something together with HTTP fairly easily.
