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Recover a project

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:21 am
by tonystark622
It's been a long time since I posted. Sorry for the absence.

I am in the process of moving to a new v11.3 DataStage server. My SysAdmin loaded the Parallel engine on this server by mistake. I don't have a license for the Parallel engine on this server, so I asked him to uninstall it. He re-ran the server install to remove Parallel engine and in the process wiped out all my projects.

I have one particular project that I would like to recover. I have all the original files from the Project directory (Universe files?).

I created a new project with a different name and copied all the files from the other Project directory into the new project directory. I cannot see any of the jobs in Designer. I CAN, however, go into the Universe/DataStage shell, LOGTO the new project and list DS_JOBS. It looks like all the info is still there.

When I run on this directory I get
dsadescm:gpap7510 [509] /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin $ -fix -StopOnError <

DSEngine Restorer Report

Tue Sep 30 01:49:12 CDT 2014

IS Host = gpap7509
IS Port = 9443
IS User = isadescm

DS Host = gpap7510
DS Port = 31538

DataStage Project: DEP

An unexpected error occurred retrieving the project status for project 'DEP'.
Invalid universe credentials found.
Overall Summary

0 Issues Found.
1 Potential Issue Remaining.
DSEngine Restorer Fix Results

Tue Sep 30 01:49:12 CDT 2014

IS Host = gpap7509
IS Port = 9443
IS User = isadescm

DS Host = gpap7510
DS Port = 31538

DataStage Project: DEP

An unexpected error occurred retrieving the project status for project 'DEP'.
Invalid universe credentials found.

Overall Summary

0 Issues Found.
1 Potential Issue Remaining.
Any ideas? Any way to restore/recreate the XMETA portion of the project so that I can save these jobs?

I appreciate any help/ideas you may have.


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:06 am
by qt_ky
I suggest starting by creating a new project using the original project name. When you create a project, the name is embedded many places. My theory is that it's so extensive, that's why there is still no function available to rename a project. Copy your backed up files into the original project name immediately after creating the project.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:00 am
by tonystark622
Thanks, qt_ky. I thought of that... and did just what you suggested. Same error.

New information: I tried to export the project with the dscmdexport command. It found DataStage executable jobs, but did not export the Source Jobs.

Since all we used to have was this set of UNIVERSE files my gut is telling me there MUST be a way to recover this... I just don't know what it is.

Thanks all,

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:19 am
by chulett
I'm guessing you'll need to run something like this:

Code: Select all

First to see what it says and then perhaps add the FIX option to the end of it. But in your shoes I'd wait until someone like Ray wanders by and confirms or denies that. In the interim, wouldn't hurt to run it and see what it says.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:40 pm
by chulett
Have you made any progress on this, Tony?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:30 pm
by tonystark622
Hi Craig,

The project has been recovered.

I contacted IBM Advanced Level support. At their request, I sent them the DS_JOBS and DS_JOBOBJECTS directories. They said something about DataStage version 7... And sent me a DSX back of all the jobs in the project.

I didn't get any more details than that. I'm assuming they had a DataStage v7 install which didn't have the Metadata Repository... overlaid the DS_JOBS and DS_JOBOBJECTS directories in an empty project... then exported the DSX... I'm not sure if they had to reconstruct the VOC. or what, but I didn't send the VOC to them.

Anyway crisis averted. I imported the DSX, moved some routines and a transform from the Development server (which had a 30 day old image of the project... Many changes to the jobs since then).

Thanks for your suggestions, but I didn't get to try them.


Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:37 pm
by ray.wurlod
About the only thing* that might not work using a version 7 instance would be any manually-changed VOC entries. All VOC entries generated from DataStage itself would be picked up during import of the DSX file.

* apart, of course, for any components that don't exist in version 7 - but they couldn't have been imported into version 7 anyway (at least in theory :wink: )