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NoSQL in 9.1

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:44 am
by shankararunn
Hi - May I know how to access NOSQL DB via Datastage 9.1 ?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:02 am
by chulett
Sure... let's start by getting you into your own post rather than at the end of something (mostly) unrelated. And since you've never posted here before, can you confirm your server platform - UNIX or Windows? I took a guess.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:29 pm
by shankararunn
Thanks Craig, I am new to the Forum.

My Dastage 9.1 is installed in LINUX server and I am accessing it thru CITRIX. In 8.5 I access NoSQL DB ( Cassandra ) thru Java stage. But I am not sure the same thing should be followed in 9.1 to connect Cassandra.

Option 1 : Install driver to access , if so please let me know the driver name and whether it would impact the performance ?

Option 2 : Is it possible to manaully create the user-define stage to connect to Cassandra ?

Other options / advise are mostly welcome :-)
