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sequence job getting trriggered on its own

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 8:00 am
by abbhi
the esp job was put on hold but still the job gets triggered automatically not at the scheduled time but at different time.
As far as I know jobs can be scheduled or manually triggered.

Please someone help as how this job is running on its own.

I didnt find anything in the log also.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 8:50 am
by chulett
Welcome aboard.

There are several ways a job can be triggered but one of them is not "on its own" I'm afraid. Something out there is telling it to run, could be from the command line via dsjob or it could have been scheduled in the Director by a user you are not aware of. Unless things have changed, scheduling information only shows up for you in the Director if you are logged in as the user that did the scheduling. Scheduled by someone else? Won't show up but will still happily run.

Perhaps others can help you with specifics on tracking down the culprit, I have no DataStage access at the moment. Still think the log could provide some clues, however. Me, I'd be looking in all crontabs if it is triggering on any kind of a schedule, or if it truly seems random be looking for processes that were built to trigger it... perhaps one of them has gone rogue. :wink:

I'm also curious what "the esp job was put on hold" means, put on hold how?

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 9:01 am
by abbhi
hi Craig,

Thanx for your comments...esp job has been put on hold by the scheduling team on my request to check if the job triggered this time or not. howeve, it get triggered....i dont see any thing in the log that might help you but yes there is one warning coming in one of the parallel job like "parallel extender job tracing enabled".... I dont think this is causing the issue but its coming since im facing this issue.


Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:21 pm
by qt_ky
If the job is called by another job then the job log in question would mention it.

Depending on your user registry type and credential mapping, viewing the job log details can sometimes show you which user ran the job (manually or scheduled), unless they're all mapped to the default dsadm user.

The scheduler view in Director (still) shows you only the schedules that you created. Ask your UNIX admin to view all the crontab files of all the users, or grep all the crontab files for the job name, and possibly look into the "at" files too.

It's also possible that the external scheduler did not really put the schedule on hold, or that there is another schedule hiding out there that calls the same job.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 1:01 am
by dsetlteam
By any chance is the job being invoked from a sequence and in turn the sequence is the one that is scheduled?

You can try renaming the job and verifying if there is any process that is now failing since it is not able to find the real job to execute.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 12:25 am
by abbhi
Hi All,

My issue got resolved. The job was also mistakenly connecting to one other job and getting triggered. We changed it and now its getting triggered as scheduled.
