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How can I migrate datastage 9.1 from DB2 to Oracle

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:45 am
by mvrkreddy
How can I migrate datastage 9.1 from DB2 to Oracle database?.
Currently we are using datastage with Db2 on linux machine.
How can we migrate to oracle db.
Could you please help on this.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 6:28 am
by chulett
Welcome aboard.

I can't imagine that would be a simple process nor something we could discuss in a post or two. I'm sure people will be along to offer advice or experience if they've done something of that sort but in the meantime I would emphatically suggest that you reach out to your Official Support Provider and get them involved in this. If you haven't already.

There may very well be some specific documentation or process available for that... officially available, that is.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 11:28 am
by asorrell
This really is a very complex task. The former IBM Concierge Services provided a migration tool that could migrate XMETA database contents, but that offering is now closed. You'd have to contact customer service to see if they can assist you.

I would also say this could be high risk. Unless absolutely necessary, it might be better to wait until your next "re-host" and swap out the database then.