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DataStage Process Control

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:28 am
by jerome_rajan
We are in the process of defining a framework through which each of our DataStage jobs should flow through before finally executing. What are the things to look out for while defining such a framework?

For starters, I am planning to check for other instances of the same job with the same invocation id running at the time of triggering the job; Can you please help me with the other things to check for?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:43 am
by dsetlteam
Check how many jobs are running (It is possible that at a given time if many jobs are executed, then they might run out of resources)
Check if job is in aborted/crashed/not compiled state

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:53 am
by jerome_rajan

Code: Select all

1. Check if same job is already running
2. Check how many jobs are simultaneously running. Set a threshold value and do not allow the number of jobs to cross the threshold
What else?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:15 am
by chulett
I'm assuming you're talking about a generic "start a DataStage job" script / process, yes? We kept ours simple... pretty much just check to make sure the job exists and is in a runnable state and then whatever was needed "post" to determine what happened or to capture whatever you wanted to always capture from any job. And then leveraged it with our Enterprise Scheduler. Trying to decide how many jobs are "too many" seems far too error prone to me as it's more about the resources the jobs are using rather than necessarily the shear number of jobs. You'd probably need to look at the load on the box and... other stuffs. :wink:

Extending this metaphor, we leveraged a highly modified version of Ken Bland's Job Control Utility, something that would (amongst many other things) drive a series of jobs from a list, enforce dependencies and only allow a configurable number of jobs to run at any given time. So rather than fail to start a singleton job because of resources, it would hold jobs in the queue until enough finished to allow those waiting to be started. Still not based on "load" however, but a nice feature nonetheless.

Wasn't sure how far reaching your Process Control plans were so just thought I'd throw that out there.