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Notification activity synchronous issue.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:33 pm
by bj_ds7
In our job design we need to terminate a sequence if a job fails. Also we need to receive mail notification that the job is failed. The sequencer is implemented in the following manner.

Code: Select all

<jobactivity>-----------link1---( failed- conditional)------<notify>
             \-------link2( failed- conditional)-----<terminate>
Issue here is when the job fails, its trigger terminates the activity first and doesn't send the notification mail..

I tried a different scenario

Code: Select all

<jobactivity>----------link1( failed- conditional)----<notify>
             \-------link2( failed- conditional)- <excutecommand  (sleep 10)> ----<terminate>
Still the same issue. Could you please let me know how to synchronize the triggering mechanism in this scenario?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:51 pm
by asorrell

Job Activity -> Conditional Failure link -> Notification Activity -> Unconditional link -> Terminate