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DSJobReport and Operational Metadata

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:12 am

I am trying to get rowcounts from stages.

I have tried to use both options available

1) DSJobReport. Gives me the Failed to Open Directory error. I have tried #parameter#, 1 and a fixed directory name (with and without quotes). I have also tried ExecSh cd <directory> && touch <file> to make sure I can write there.

2) Operational Metadata.
I have followed the instructions in the pdf and reassigned the log directory to the /tmp directory in the runimport.cfg.unix. I have enabled Operational Metadata in the Director. However when I run the job, I get no results in the /tmp directory.

Do I have to restart Datastage for the changes to apply ?



Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:40 am
by eostic
There are lots of ways to get row counts...... OMD is one way, although there may be better ones. What is your ultimate goal?

Do some searching...there are topics on using everything from the job control API thru dsjob command line, ETLSTATS and still other methods for obtaining this detail.

As for OMD, look in the xmlFiles subdirectory that you'll find deep under ASBNode....


Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:51 am
I have managed to fix the first problem with the DSJobReport. The separator is a ; not a : (as indicated by the IBM documentation :twisted: )

I will discuss our full needs with the team over the next week and formulate a response.

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:30 pm
by PaulVL
Have you tried looking in .../ASBNode/conf/XmlFiles for your OMD?