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Error handling in server routines

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:18 am
by DSRajesh
Dear All,

I am using the below code for job statistics in server routine

If the job name which we are not passing is invalid or not avaialable then how to handle the error which occur with the routine.

Can any one suggest me how to handle this case with failing the routine.

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:19 am
by DSRajesh
sorry missed out to give the code which i am using

below is the code

Code: Select all


      Equate RoutineName To 'GetJobInfo' 
            JobHandle = '' 

          Int = DSGetJobInfo(JobHandle, DSJ.JOBSTATUS) 

         Begin Case 
            Case Int = DSJS.RUNFAILED 
               Info = 'Aborted' 
            Case Int = DSJS.RUNOK 
               Info = 'Completed' 
            Case Int = DSJS.RUNWARN 
               Info = 'Warning' 
            Case Int = DSJS.RUNNING 
               Count = DSGetJobInfo(JobHandle, DSJ.DSJ.JOBEOTCOUNT) 
               Info = 'Running' : 'Count of Rows Complete' : Count 
            Case @True                   ; * all other values 
               Info = 'Not Defined' 
         End Case 

         StartTime = DSGetJobInfo(JobHandle, DSJ.JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP) 
         EndTime = DSGetJobInfo(JobHandle, DSJ.JO

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:24 am
by ArndW
the routine as posted won't work correctly, since nowhere do you assign "JobHandle" - this should be done with DSJ.ME or DSAttachJob().

What is the variable you are passing in as your job parameter?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:02 am
by DSRajesh
sorry,below is the code:

Code: Select all


      Equate RoutineName To 'GetJobInfo' 

      JobHandle = '' 

      JobHandle = DSAttachJob(JobName, DSJ.ERRNONE) 

      Int = DSGetJobInfo(JobHandle, DSJ.JOBSTATUS) 

         Begin Case 
            Case Int = DSJS.RUNFAILED 
               Job_Status = 'Aborted' 
            Case Int = DSJS.RUNOK 
               Job_Status = 'Finished' 
            Case Int = DSJS.RUNWARN 
               Job_Status = 'Finished with  Warnings' 
            Case @True; * all other values 
               Info = 'UnKnown' 
         End Case 

         StartTime = DSGetJobInfo(JobHandle, DSJ.JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP) 
         EndTime = DSGetJobInfo(JobHandle, DSJ.JOBLASTTIMESTAMP)         

	Ans = Job_Status : '|' : StartTime : '|' : EndTime

The input variable which i am using is JobName

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:46 am
by DSRajesh

Could you please suggest me on this.

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:44 am
by ArndW
It is important not to try to DSAttachJob() your own job, that can cause a hang situation, so you should add:

Code: Select all

IF (JobName <> DSGetJobInfo(DSJ.ME,DSJ.JOBNAME) )
 ... your code
   Job_Status = 'Running'
Note you forget DSJS.RUNNING in your list.

Generally if the DSAttachJob() call fails, the return value will be 0. While this is not explicitly documented, it does work that way and that is what I use to determine if a DSAttachJob() call was succesfull or not.

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:57 am
by ray.wurlod
Make this the first option within your CASE construct.

Code: Select all

   Job_Status = 'Error'
   Call DSLogWarn("Unable to attach job " : DQuote(JobName) : ".", RoutineName)

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:10 am
by ArndW
Good one, I hadn't used DSJE.BADHANDLE. You still need to ensure that you don't inadvertantly try to do a DSAttachJob() to your own job but that CASE option is more elegant than an if-then-else construct.

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:24 am
by chulett
Basically, you need to decide what needs to happen when a 'failure' is detected. Do you pass back something as the 'Ans'wer that will indicate a problem that is then handled by the caller or will you abort the routine itself?