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Mksinstaller in Data Stage

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:25 am
by sjordery
Hi All,

One of our Software vendor - MKS (Mortice Kern Systems) got back to us saying that we are using an old version of its software mksinstaller and needs to be upgraded.

Upon investigating further we found that it's present at directory : client 8.0 (DS8.0\client_IA-suite\assemblies\mksinstaller\

Does anyone knows what is the use of this software in Data Stage Version 8?


Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:07 am
by ArndW
All Windows DataStage PX installations use an embedded MKS-Toolkit version. This allows for the emulation of the standard UNIX environment for DataStage jobs. MKS Toolkit is installed and used at V9.1 as well, although the majority of NuTCRACKER and other functionality has been moved away from MKS.