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Stage Hangs Client (Pop-up Window off screen)

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:12 pm
by jewelhaque
Whenever I try to open the properties of Change Capture Stage my Datastage Designer session gets hung. It was working fine but recently I am facing this problem. I reinstalled client and applied all the client patches but no luck. I am using 8.1 version. My PC is running under Windows XP service pack 3. I would greatly appreciate if you can help me.

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:51 pm
by asorrell
Usually it means that you have switched from two screens to one screen or have reduced the screen resolution and the pop-up for the change capture stage is now "off the screen".

DataStage isn't really hung, it is just waiting on you to click on the pop-up you can't see.

Try this to fix it.

1) Have nothing else on your PC open at all except the one copy of DataStage.
2) Open the change capture stage properties
3) Type in "alt-space", then an "M", this should pop up a small function window on one edge of the screen (indicating it is off the screen in that direction).
4) then use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the window so you can see it.

Hopefully that will fix your issue. Let us know.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:16 am
by jewelhaque
Excellent Andy. You were correct. Datastage was not hung, the property window was off the screen. Thank you so much! You made my day!!!