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Filter condition based on value in field

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:39 am
by raji33

I have a requirement where i need to schedule jobs once a month. And if the day falls on weekend then i need to run the jobs on monday. For this i chose the below approach .

we have a date dim table and i am comparing current day with isodate in date dim and getting the day and writing into a csv file. Now in sequence i have added this job and i want to get the day field from csv file want to add a filter if the day is 'SAT' or 'SUN' do not run the next job. How should i implement this in datastage?

I would also welcome if any other approaches are possible for this scenario.


Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:50 am
by chulett
An Execute Command stage can read the sequential file via cat and then trigger expressions can check the value and branch accordingly. Alternately, use a Nested Condition stage to perform the check and branching after reading in the file.