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DataStage Scheduling user

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:11 pm
by Roopanwita

I am trying to schedule a sequence in DataSatge Scheduler. My sequence FTP files from source location, when I was scheduling it was running all good except FTP part as the id I was using to schedule doesn't have permission to connect to FTP server.

My question is which userid/password scheduler use to run the sequence.

I was looking for a solution , I fould the below post (to mention userid/password in Administrator Scheduler)


I tried this , it is able to valify connection (Test is sucessful) but after making this change when I schedule the process, it is not starting the scheduled process.

Thank you in Advance

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:40 pm
by ray.wurlod
Open the DataStage Administrator client. On the Scheduling tab you can specify the user name and password for the scheduling user, and validate that this user can be authenticated.

Note that this functionality is only available where the DataStage Engine is on a Windows platform.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:32 pm
by Roopanwita
Thank you for reply.

I tried to specify UserID and Password in DataSatge Adminstrator, same as link mentioned below:


Now my process is not kicked off at scheduled time. I tried to schedule multiple times to test, it was not kicked off once even.

My windows server has connectivity to some ftp location, so in schedling userid/password ,I am using windows user.When I test connection , it verifed successfully.

Initially (before mentioning Scheduling user/password), it was kicking off the process, but the id it was using to kickoff didnt have permission to FTP location , it was not able to FTP file. Scheduled sequence was running on time.

After I added user/Password, it is not kickingoff the process. Do I need to make any other setting change?

Thank you in Advance.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:02 am
by Roopanwita

I have found the issue, when I am running the sequence from DataStage Scheduler, it is taking user : nt authority\system
Which is a bug in DataStage 8.7 (please refrer to the link below) and IBM has a patch for it.
When I am running manually, it is taking the user I am loggedin, so the sequence is working .

In solution IBM provided in Datastage Administrator (Scheduler), we can overwrite User/Password, When I am trying that, it is not starting the sequence from Scheduler . Can anybody please help me to find what is the issue .

Thank you for help.