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Renaming a job name in dsx file is not changing the job name

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:22 pm
by major

I have some 20 jobs to be renamed from PROD env to DEV env, so I have exported them to a dsx file and very carefully renamed the job names in dsx file. While I try to import them in DEV env I have selected 'Import selected' , but I see the job name unchaned , pretty confused. (Job X is still Job X though I changed it as Job X_new in dsx file)

I have done this kind of exercise on server , but not on parallel. Is there something which I'm missing


Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:25 pm
by prasannakumarkk
It is not advisable to edit a DSX.
But this is what could have happened in your case.

1) You have exported the job with executables. After you import just check the status of job in director. Guess it will be in compiled state. If this is the case export the job without executables and rename and try.

Another option is export as XML and try. We can track out where things goes wrong