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Datastage Dev and Production Projects in Same Environment

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:14 am
by synsog
Hi All,

V8.7 on Windows with Engine Tier on one Server and Services/Metadata Tier on another.

We will have a Datastage project say PRDEV on this Env and on this same box (Environment) have another project called PRPROD..So basically both Dev and Production projects will reside on the same box..I understand the operational risks of having both on the same box but from a Datastage Perspective

1. Can this be realistically done?
2. Migrating jobs from PRDEV To PRPROD can still be done through Information Server Manager?
3. Generally when we migrate the jobs from DEV to PROD env, the Project Names are always same but in this case it will not be, will this be an issue?
4. What issues we could run into?

Any information on this will be very helpful.
Thanks and appreciate your responses.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:46 pm
by jwiles
1) Yes, it can be done. From a DS perspective, it's just another project
2) Yes.
3) That will depend upon your process the project name used within the jobs and other objects in the project?
4) Some Potential Issues:
a - Developers editing/compiling/testing jobs will compete for resources with Production jobs on the same engine
b - Data storage conflicts--care must be taken to separate production storage from non-production storage, and to point to the correct storage in each project. Otherwise you risk mixing production and non-production data. With privacy and security laws such as they are today, this could be a large risk for your client depending upon their industry and location.
c - One environment = every thing down if the server (engine or services/metadata) fails.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:54 am
by chulett
Just wanted to make a comment on #3.

Generally when we migrate the jobs from DEV to PROD env, the Project Names are always same but in this case it will not be, will this be an issue?

I've never worked for a client where the projects all had the exact same name across the environments, the environment was part of the name. And as noted, it's not an issue at all... actually more of a safety net IMHO.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:01 am
by synsog
Thank You both for your help. This is very helpful