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Please help me understand ODBC non-wired connectivity

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:37 pm
by mavrick21

I don't understand why ODBC non-wired connectivity is required when native DB API client already exists. Doesn't ODBC non-wired connect to DB via the installed native DB API client? In which scenario(s) would one prefer ODBC non-wired connectivity over native DB API client.

Thank you

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:44 pm
by asorrell

I'm assuming your server is UNIX-based (as was indicated). DataStage ships wire protocol drivers from DataDirect as part of the product to provide high-speed ODBC access. This eliminates the need for database client libraries such as Oracle SQL*Net or DB2 Connect.

However, with that said, I always use client libraries and native stages (ie: DB2 stage, Oracle Enterprise stage, etc.) if they are available. Those are highly tuned and usually provide superior performance.

ODBC is truly native to SQL Server, and of course must be used in that instance. I also use ODBC to access Progress and some other older databases that aren't directly supported by DataStage. Other than that, I stay away from ODBC as it isn't the fastest way to transfer data.

I hope this helps, if it doesn't, please add more specifics or examples to your question.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:23 am
by mavrick21
Thanks Andy!