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Xmeta Database Tuning

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:34 am
by campbellj2
We are running Datastage 8.1 on a Windows server and using SQL Server 2005 as the Xmeta database. Our DBA notified me that our Xmeta database has reached a 100GB. As a general rule, all of our Datastage jobs are set to auto-purge after 14 days in Administrator, so the Xmeta logs should not continue to grow. Does anyone know of any other information that can be purged/deleted from the Xmeta database? I can't understand how the database is that large.


Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:18 am
by eph

Some things I have noticed concerning XMETA (personal experience):
- the licensing logs can grow very large (hundred thousands of lines) => those can be purged (CATEGORYNAME_XMETA='0042' in the XMETA.LOGGING_LOGGINGEVENT********* table)
- auto purge don't necessary purge aborted jobs' logs and keep them.

You can build a query to purge very old entries. I personnally keep CATEGORYNAME_XMETA='IIS-ISTOOLS-DS-AI' AND CATEGORYNAME_XMETA='IIS-ISTOOLS-AI' which consern jobs imports/exports.

One might also want to check if unnecessary logs are configured at project level and if some jobs don't throw to many warnings that could be avoided.


Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:37 pm
by eph
I forgot to mention those technotes: ... wg21370048
and ... wg21407491

It should help you to monitor and reduce the amount of logs.
