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Execute command activity

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:32 am
by adams06
Unix command

sname.ksh -s username -p password -d sid -l logpath -c date

How do we create a sequencer using Execute Command Activity stage. How do i need to pass the parameters to make it run successfull

Do we need to specify the options -s, -p, -d, -l, -c in datastage parameters

Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:42 am
by ShaneMuir
On the Execute Command tab of the stage in the sequence in the command field you would put your script name:

In the parameters field you would list your parameter names as required.
eg -s #user_param# -p #pass_param# etc

Or in the command field you could put :;

and then put everything in the parameters field
.#Path_Name#/script.ksh -s #user_param# -p #pass_param#
