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issue when ls command executed in datastage

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:06 pm
by dbdecoy
I'm using datastage 8.5 version.

I have only one file premium05242012.txt file in one folder in my production server.

When I executed ls command in that specific folder in job sequence in datastage it is returning the filename as premium05242012.t******t.

because of this my jobs are getting aborted in production.

when i execute the same in UNIX it is returning normallly premium05242012.txt

Could you please help me in resolving this issue ASAP as this issue is in production.

Please let me know if i have to provide any details.

Thanks in advance

Re: issue when ls command executed in datastage

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:36 pm
by TPons
What is the extact command which you are using in your sequence to list the file?


Re: issue when ls command executed in datastage

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:30 am
by dbdecoy
Below is the command used in datastage and the output it is giving as

cd /Gft_Prod/LEGREL2PDIN/ProjectData/input/PremiumPaid;ls -1atr *PREMIUMPAID* |head -1;
Output from command===>

Actual input file in the server is PREMIUMPAID20120523002831.txt

when I manually replaced the file extension to .TXT ( uppercase) and when I executed the command in datastage then it is giving how the file is i.e.PREMIUMPAID20120523002831.TXT

I dont understand what is the issue with .txt extension.

Please help me in resolving this issue


Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:56 am
by chulett
I can't explain the behaviour off the top of my head... what flavor of UNIX is this? What happens if you change your command to this:

Code: Select all

cd /Gft_Prod/LEGREL2PDIN/ProjectData/input/PremiumPaid;ls -1atr *PREMIUMPAID*.txt |head -1;