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CurrentTimestampMS - uservariable stage

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:22 am
by Cherukuri

I have to pass the currect micros seconds with time using in the uservaraible stage but could'nt.
as exist in transformer the fucntion 'CurrentTimeMS()' is not avaiable in Uservariable stage expression tab..
I want the value like for example '08:04:25.697899' using uservariable stage that where i can pass the function for the current timestamp with micro seconds in sequence jobs.

Could any one please give inputs on this ...Thanks.


Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:38 pm
by jwiles
As jobs sequences are at heart DataStage Server jobs, look at the Time() function and the documentation surrounding BASIC in Server jobs.


User variable micro seconds funcitons

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:52 am
by Cherukuri
Please any one help to give a correct syntax.


Re: User variable micro seconds funcitons

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:31 pm
by adityavinay
use a execute command stage first with command ->date +%H:%M:%S.$(( $(date +%N) / 1000000 ))
if you want to set this as parameter to other activity stages - use command output of execute command stage.
Let me know if this works